Template Page Variables

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Revision as of 15:34, 9 June 2014 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (See Also)

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Standard Fields

Application Name:






Custom Fields

All Level 1 Custom Fields, including those on the given template, can be inserted using the following:


Save/Submit Buttons

To display the "Save" button use the following variable on the Template Page:


To display the "Submit" button use the following variable on the Template Page:


To display the same array of Save buttons on the external web template page that are available to the internal view of the template (Save, Save Draft, Submit), instead of just the Save button use the following instead of @SUBMIT@:


  • This is vailable for Level One, Level Two, Level Three and Transactions.
  • "SYSTEMBUTTONS" is case sensitive and must be in caps.


To copy the style use the following within the <head> and </head>


You must also include the following prior to any other variables to define the page as a form that can be submitted:



<body leftmargin=1 rightmargin=1 topmargin=1 bottommargin=1 marginheight=1 marginwidth=1>

<p>Instruction ...</p>
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellpsacing=1 width=100%>
<th class=Label nowrap>Description:</th>

See Also

  1. Template Page