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2,372 bytes added, 17:28, 13 September 2023
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== Configuration – Essentials ==  
===Creating a OneSpan Account===
To use this integration, you must bring your own OneSpan license. This is done outside of SmartSimple Cloud. Learn more about OneSpan’s e-signature product at Reach out directly to OneSpan to get a license and account. Once you have an account and license, follow the steps below.
# Under “Client Apps”, click the “Add” button to generate a “Client ID” and “Client Secret”. Copy and Save both items. Note: The client secret will only appear once when first generated.
# Depending on your setup, you may be required to whitelist specific IP addresses. More information can be found in [ OneSpan's quick start guides for environment URLs and IP addresses].
===Setting up the Integration Key in SmartSimple Cloud===
Follow the steps below to set up an integration key within SmartSimple Cloud:
# Log in as a Global Administrator and go to Menu Icon > Global Settings > Integrations tab > Integration Key Management.
# Click the “New Integration Key” button (plus sign)
# Set the Type to be “OneSpan Sign”.
Note: You are only allowed a single integration key with the Type of “OneSpan Sign”.
# Add your “Environment URL”. The Environment URL is the URL used for authentication into your OneSpan account (Example: The URL may differ based on your account and location.
# Paste the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” saved earlier into their respective fields.
===Selecting the E-signature Provider===
You may only use one e-signature provider at a time within SmartSimple Cloud. Select OneSpan Sign as the desired e-signature provider by doing the following:
Go to Menu Icon > Global Settings > Integrations tab > Select “OneSpan Sign” for “E-signature Provider”.
Click Save.
===Creating a Web Page View===
After creating your OneSpan account, setting up your integration key, and choosing OneSpan as your e-signature provider, you can now configure a web page view that will be used to send a document to OneSpan for signing by following the steps below:
# Create or edit a custom field of the type “Special - Web Page View” which will be used to generate a document and send it for signing.
# For "HTML Template", click "SmartFields Sample Template" to insert the sample template into the field.
# Replace the variable “@SmartFields@” with your desired content.
# Add the desired signature tags and referenced anchor strings. See below for examples.
# Toggle on “Enable E-signature”
# For the setting “Failed to Complete Workflow” choose the desired workflow you wish to run in the event that the e-signature process fails to complete. Typically you will want to notify someone so they can take action.
# Toggle on “Enable Save to Server”. This is required for the signed PDF document to be saved within SmartSimple cloud.
# Click “Save”
===Web Page View Sample Code===
There are multiple ways you can configure the signing block for e-signatures. We have included code samples that can be added to a web page view custom field.
(Coming Soon)

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