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1,178 bytes added, 16 February
Service Packs
==Service Packs==
===February 22nd 2024 (202402.02)===
* Fixed an issue where some data was excluded from the archive process.
<!-- 158819 - Nightly Archive missing Data -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated the organization of integration keys under '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''Integration Key Management''' for improved clarity. The integration keys are now organized under cateogories and the names of some types have changed.
<!-- 144984 - Better categorization of Integration Key Management -->
* Added the ability to create an OData connection entering an API User Token instead of authenticating with a username and password. To do this, first retrieve the API Access Token and Token ID from the API User Token page. Then use the Token ID as the username and the Access Token as the password.
<!-- 150174 - Is it possible to authenticate to the OData Feed any way besides basic username/password? -->
<!-- 158770 - Issue with OData Access Links? -->
* Added support for Azure AI integration in order to allow users to bring their own Azure AI licence to the platform and make use of existing '''+AI''' functions.
<!-- 158021 - Azure AI Integration -->
===February 8th 2024 (202402.01)===
<!-- 157941 - Vulnerable third party library - json-path -->
<!-- 157954 - Fortify Scan Issues - JAN -->
===February 8th 2024 (202401.05)===
<!-- 158676 - PDF generation with ssattach causing performance issues -->
===February 1st 2024 (202401.04)===
<!-- 157915 - Excel Parser not working-->
===January 26th 2024 (202401.03)===

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