

2 bytes added, 18:22, 6 October 2022
October 13th 2022 (202210.01)
<!-- 140766 - Single-File Upload Field Titles and Instructions disappearing (2273) -->
* Fixed an issue with dynamic field visibility where instructions configured on fields under a '''Layout - Title Bar''' custom field were not being shown/or hidden properly.
<!-- 140986 - Title Bar/Field Instructions Bug -->
<!-- 140456 - Listview is sorting by Type Name instead of Type Caption -->
====Other Changes====
* Added support for Service Provider (SP) initiated authentication for single sign-on (SSO). Previously, only Identity Provider (IdP) initiated SSO was available. A new '''Multiple Environment Support (MES) Group Identifier''' was also added which may be used to give you a consistent configuration across multiple environments (production, testing, and backup). The system will use the '''Multiple Environment Support Group Identifier''' to detect and render the appropriate SSO link on your login page, based on your environment. To see the new settings, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''Single Sign-On''' > Edit a single sign-on configuration.