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65 bytes added, 18:32, 4 February 2019
Enhanced Scheduled Report Export Functionality
====Enhanced Scheduled Report Export Functionality====
Enhanced scheduled report exports with new options to trigger a status change, or workflow off the returned records after an export, as well as append a date/time stamp to the file name of the export. Note, that the status change and workflow options will only trigger on the primary record set of the report. You may customize the date formatting of the filename with any of the below options:
 {| class="wikitable"|-||[YYYY] - ||full year|-||[YY] - ||short year|-||[MM] ||month|- month||[DD] ||day|- day||[[HH] ||hour|- hour||[mm] - ||minute|}         
<!--70947 - Scheduled report export filename options and status change-->
Smartstaff, administrator

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