
Standard Level 1 Field List

88 bytes added, 18:16, 15 October 2013
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|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|''not applicable''
|'''Modified DateBy'''|Date User that last modified the {{l1}} item was last modified.|@modifieddatemodifiedby@ - returns user name<br />@modifiedbyid@- returns user id
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''OwnerModified Date'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|Date that the {{l1}} item was last modified.|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@modifieddate@|-|'''Owner'''|Initially a link to [[User|user]] that entered the {{l1}} item.|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@owner@
|colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the setting "Enable External Owners" on the [[UTA_Settings_-_Entity|Entity tab of the UTA Settings Page]], this field will allow an [[External|external]] contact to be designated as the owner of the item.''
|colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[Filter Person Based on Customer|Filter Person Based on Organization]] setting, this selection for this field will be restricted to those contacts that reside under the {{l1}} organization.''
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''Probability'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|This field is only required when building a custom [[Sales Tracking]] [[Application|application]] and you wish to track the probability of winning an opportunity ({{l1}} item).|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@probability@
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''Requirement'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|Narrative description text box.|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@requirements@
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''Revenue'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|Associates a monetary amount with the {{l1}} [[entity]].|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@revenue@
|colspan="3"|''The @revenue@ variable returns the stored value with comma separators (example: 34,000.00). To return an unformatted number, without comma separators, use @revenue.value@.''