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Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

76 bytes added, 20:51, 19 December 2018
Uploading the external CSS files and getting the relative links
# Upload the CSS files found inside the Zip file you downloaded in step 1
# Inside SmartFolders in the column called '''File Options''' for the desired file select '''View URL''' from the drop down. This will give you the absolute path to the file you uploaded
# Copy this link that starts with '''https: ''' and ends with '''/CSS_for_XSL_onscreen_1290.css'''.# Remove the first part of the link before the '''/files...''' to make it a relative link. This will ensure the URL will work Absolute links can have an adverse affect on live and backup and it will ensure your instance functions and they won't work as expectedon your backup. So Always convert the absolute link to a relative link. Your relative link will look like '''/files/000000/f000000/CSS_for_XSL_onscreen_1290.css'''# Save this relative link in a text file so we can add it to each '''Advanced Data Table ''' custom field laterin your instance.
# Repeat steps 5 to 8 for the second CSS file which will be used for rendering on the object and in the PDF.
Smartstaff, administrator

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