
Category:Custom Fields

44 bytes added, 19:36, 30 August 2018
no edit summary
||[[Lookup - Autocomplete Options]]
||Common Input
||[[Text Box - Date]]
||Common Input
||[[Text Box - Date and Time]]
||Common Input
||Common Input
||[[Text Box - Number]]
||Common Input
||[[Text Box - Phone Number]]
||Common Input
||Input a phone number, with options for automatic formatting.
||[[Select One - Dropdown List]]
||Common Input
||[[Select One - Radio Buttons]]
||Common Input
||Display Control
||[[Layout - Tabbed Section]]
||Display Control
||Special Input
||[[Select One - Dynamic Dropdown List]]
||Special Input
||[[Select One - Dynamic Radio Buttons]]
||Special Input
||Special Input
||[[Special - Geo Mapping]]
||Special Input