

717 bytes added, 13:26, 16 August 2017
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New split screen mode available for list views. When viewing a list view you can now toggle a split screen to retain the list view on the left and open the records on the right to view and work with both simultaneously.
<!--53972 - Object list view split screen-->
[[File:201708-53972-l1-listview-split-screen.png|thumb|none|middle|1000px|List view split screen feature]]
===Enhanced Interface for End Users===
<!--58869 - Click to open menus and drop downs-->
<!--24984 - List view record count and grouping-->
[[File:201708-level1-options.png|thumb|none|middle|300px|Update to the options menu]]
===Enhanced Responsiveness for Mobile Devices===
<!--57399 - iphone/ipad/mobile list views-->
<!--57803 - iphone/ipad object page improvments-->
[[File:201708-57399-mobilelist.png|thumb|none|middle|300px|Responsive list view on mobile device]]
===Enhanced Interface for Administrators===
<!--57160 - Display the Arcadia X Activate value in the role list view-->
<!--57464 - signup page add classic options-->
[[File:201708-55972-metadata-select-field.png|thumb|none|middle|1000px|More information shown during field selection]]
==Minor Updates==
Updated labels throughout menus that refer to Organizations and Contacts instead to Organizations and People. This is to resolve inconsistencies in some areas where the system would use your defined terminology in the Global Settings Branding section, that would be misleading when it only used either the internal or external term. This label change is to make the system more consistent as well as more clear where a system area deals with both internal and external organizations and contacts.
<!--58871 - Contacts and accounts menu and pages-->
[[File:201708-58871-contacts-and-accounts.png|thumb|none|middle|500px|Update to menu labels for organizations and people]]
===Simplified List View Search Filters===
New personal screen for users that allows them to mark favourite or commonly accessed areas. This screen shows a collection of SmartCard containers that hold and display any records that you add to them. Users can create any number of SmartCards and even share them with other users. This will empower end users with the ability to create their own lists of what's important to them without the need for administrators to create system list views and such. Enabling this feature is a simple permission setting in the System Visibility Permissions area.
<!--55358 - SmartCard-->
[[File:201708-smartcards.png|thumb|none|middle|300px|New SmartCards feature]]
===New Login Page Routing Configuration===
New ability to configure routing links on a login page. This functionality was traditionally implemented using static HTML files served from SmartFolders but is now easier to produce. A new routing configuration area has been added within the Login Page Configuration screen where you can create links to other areas such as organization and contact registration pages. To incorporate this into your login page you then simply need to place a variable reference to @routingbutton@ in the login template.
<!--55536 - Routing/guiding page-->
[[File:201708-55536-routing-page.png|thumb|none|middle|500px|New routing links on a login page]]
===New Ability to Track Duration in Each Status===
Smartstaff, administrator