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SmartConnect - RESTful API

620 bytes added, 18:10, 20 June 2018
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||Standard fields are denoted by their name, preceded by a prefix of 'sf_'. See Appendix for a list of Standard Field names for each object. 
||sf_First Name
||Custom fields are denoted by their field name, preceded by a prefix of 'cf_'
||cf_My Custom Field
=Configuration - Advanced=
==Creating SmartConnect functions==
SmartConnect functions are created for each individual instance of SmartSimple. 
For a more detailed look at creating functions, see [[Creating JSON functions|Creating and Managing SmartConnect Functions]].
==Standard Field Names==
For a list of available Standard Fields that you can reference along with update restrictions, see [[JSON API (SmartConnect) Standard Field Names|SmartConnect Standard Field Names]].
The standard fields available for reference varies on the Record Type selected.
==Options and Settings==
<!--Explain all applicable misc options and settings that shouldn't be explained above here...-->

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