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Signup Page

149 bytes added, 17:51, 8 September 2020
Tip: Keep signup pages short
==Tip: Keep signup pages short==
- Don’t ask every question you think you need upfront on the signup page. Once a user has registered and logged into the system, you can ask them more questions as part of your process.
- Don’t ask every question you think you need upfront on the The shorter your signup page. Once a user has registered and logged into , the systemgreater your completion rate will be, you can so ask them more the minimum amount of questions as part of your processpossible. Go through each question and ask yourself why are we collecting this information and how are we using it now?
- The shorter Have someone else fill in your signup pageform and look critically at how they answered, did they answers the greater your completion rate will be, so ask way you expected? Do you need to revise the minimum amount of questions possiblequestion or provide instructions to ensure you get desired responses. Go through each question and ask yourself why are we collecting this information and how are we using it now?
- Have someone else fill in your form If a question is not marked mandatory do you still need to ask it and look critically at how they answered, did they answers the way you expected? Do when do you need to revise the question or provide instructions to ensure you get desired responses. ask it?
=Settings Explained===General Tab==The following settings are available on the '''General''' tab: {| class="wikitable"|- If a question is not marked mandatory do you still need to ask it and when do you need to ask it?!|Setting!|Description|}
Smartstaff, administrator

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