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Signup Page

264 bytes added, 16:58, 4 September 2020
Creating language specific signup pages
=Configuration - Advanced=
==Creating Multiple language specific signup pages==Each language Once you want to support requires have created a separate signup page. Create the type of signup page desired and choose the language you want. If you chose '''Español (Spanish)''' as your signup page language, and if you have entered Spanish can enter translations for your field captions, then each language you will see Spanish field captions desire. To enter a translation on your a signup page.
Typically# Click on the '''Translation''' button in the action bar.# Select the desired language.# Enter the translations desired into the appropriate fields.# Click '''Save'''. The translations of custom and standard field captions are pulled from those fields and can be entered in those fields or via an import. Once translations have been entered and saved on the signup page, you will route can send your users directly to the correct signup page via the routing page on in the loginlanguage you desire. Example: your Spanish login page will route users Do so by adding '''&tid=14''' to the Spanish end of the signup pageURL. Where the number equals the desired language ID. In this case, the English login language ID 14 will route users bring the user to the English signup pagetranslated into Spanish.To add a caption translation, go to The user can also switch languages on the signup page by using the desired field and beside drop down language menu in the caption click on top right of the button called '''Language Settings'''header. Choose Note when you switch languages the desired language and signup page will reload so do this before you enter data into the desired translationfields.
==Creating a routing page==
Smartstaff, administrator

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