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Signup Page

16 bytes added, 18:57, 16 September 2020
Signup Page Content
||Page Title||If you want to add some text such as “registration” into the header beside your logo you can add it here. Typically, this input is left blank.
||Company Section Title||Only available on the organization signup page. This text will appear above the fields where you enter organization data. Typically, people enter “Organization Information”.
||Contact Section Title||Only available on the user signup page. This text will appear above the fields where you enter user data. Typically, people enter “User Information”.
||Instructions Title||Text entered here will appear inside the instruction box in blue and above your instructions. Typically, people enter “Registration”.
||Instructions Content||Add any custom instructions to help user complete the signup page. Typically, people enter “Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. If you need assistance contact Fake@fake.fake.”.
||Enable Same Address button||Toggle on to get a button that will populate the user address fields with the values entered into the Organization address fields to . This feature will save the user users time for scenarios when if they users use their organizations address matches for their organizations user address.
||Same Address Button label||Define the caption you would like to see on the same address button. Typically, people enter “Copy Address”.
Smartstaff, administrator

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