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Signup Page

872 bytes added, 17:33, 17 September 2020
Verification Settings
||Lookup Status
||Only available if Internal “Organization Lookup” is selected. Select the Status of organizations you want to appear when a user searches for an organization to add themselves to. Typically, only organizations in an approved, or active status would be chosen.
||Limit Searchable Fields to ID Only
||if you toggle this setting on, users will only be able to search on the ID of the organization, not the name, state or other fields. For example, if you were doing an IRS search you will only be able to search the EIN number.
||Limit Results to US Based Organization Only
||Additional Automatic Field Population
||Only available with IRS verification service. Click the add mapping field button under the mapping field column to add a mapping field. Then select a mapping field from the drop down. Then in the custom field column start typing the caption of the desired custom field, then click it to select that field. Note that the custom field you select must also be in the selected fields list in the Input Form section.
||Lookup Field ID
||Not found on IRS or Internal organization lookups. Enter the custom field ID you want to use for mapping the ABN, CRA, CC, CRO, NCES number to. Enter cf_ then the custom field ID, Example cf_1234567.
||Exclude Foundation(s)
||Only available with IRS verification service. Select foundations types you want to exclude from the search, then click the Exclude foundation button which looks like +. Example some people may wish to exclude religious organizations such as churches so they select 10 – Church 170(b)(1)(A)(i) and click exclude foundation button.
||Exclude Subsection(s) ||Only available with IRS verification service. Select subsections you want to exclude from the search and then click the exclude subsection button looks like a +.
The following settings are available on the templates tab.
The templates tab only appears if you have selected “Custom” for “Page Layout”. This setting allows you to modify the HTML of the signup page and is generally not recommended. If you choose to customize the HTML of your signup page you won’t get the latest and greatest templates and you may be required to update your HTML if changes to templates or functionality occur in an upgrade.
===Signup Page Template===
Click the Sample Template link to add the html of the signup page into the input and then modify as desired.
===Confirmation Page Template===
Only available on user signup pages. Click the Sample Template link to add the html of the signup page into the input and then modify as desired.
==Classic Options==
The following settings are available on the Classic Options tab.
Smartstaff, administrator

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