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Signup Page

1,126 bytes added, 20:50, 8 September 2020
Signup Options
||Default Country
||This setting is used to specify a default country on the signup page. For example, if all applicants registering via this signup page live in the United States, you might choose that option as the default country. When the form opens, if the value chosen is United States then that value will automatically be pre-selected in the Country field for the user. The user can still change the Country field value if they wish, but if the user does not, this feature saves the user some time.
||Default State
||This setting is used to specify a default State on the signup page. For example, if all applicants registering via this signup page live in New York State, you might choose that option as the default State. When the form opens, if the value chosen is New York then that value will automatically be pre-selected in the State field for the user. The user can still change the State field value if they wish, but if the user does not, this feature saves the user some time.
||Default Status
||Select the status you want to give the User/Organization upon registering. Statuses are like a place in time; for example, you might use a "Newly Registered" status for new registrants, and later once they have been vetted, you might switch them to an "Active" Status.
||Only found on Organization signup pages. Categories are a way of grouping like organizations together and are used to control what can be seen and done. You can '''Add''', '''Remove''' or '''Update''' categories for Organizations using this setting.
|||-||Only found on User signup pages. Roles are a way of grouping like users together. We use roles to control what the user can see and do in the system. You can '''Add/Roles to ''' or '''Remove||''' roles for Users using this setting.
||Page Layout
||This setting controls the layout of the page. '''Default''' is recommended as you will always get the latest and greatest signup page template. If you select Custom you will be able to add the sample template and customize the HTML of the signup page. However, if you select custom, your template will not get updated with future upgrades and as such you may be need to manually update your custom template after future upgrades.
Smartstaff, administrator

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