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1,635 bytes removed, 19:04, 9 September 2019
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||Populate the email subject
<pre><!--SignatureEmailSubject Place Subject Here--></pre>
<pre><!--SignatureEmailSubject @name@ Test Email Subject--></pre>
||Include a variable here, such as the L1 name.
||Populate the email body
<pre><!--SignatureEmailBody This is a test.--></pre>
||Configure the DocuSign expiration date
<pre><!--SignatureExpiryDays Insert Numeric Value--></pre>
<pre><!--SignatureExpiryDays 14--></pre>
||After submission to SignEasy, the document will expire after 14 days. Signees will not be able to access the document if it has gone unsigned at the time of expiry.
||Configure the CC email list
||If you specify the signature flow as P (Parallel), emails will be sent to all signees at the same time.
If you specify the signature flow as S (Sequential), emails will be sent sequentially; for example: email will only be sent to the second signee after the first signee has completed signing the document, and so on. (if left out, behaviour will default to Parallel)
||Set the Signature Block location
<pre><!--SignatureBlock SignatureAnchorString--></pre>
<pre><!--SignatureBlock Please sign--></pre>
||If the anchor string is "Please sign", SignEasy will find "Please sign" in your HTML and place the Signature block below it.
Signees will see a signature block to click on and sign.
* If "Please sign" is not found in the document, or if you do not include this tag in your HTML, signees will have the option to place their signature anywhere in the document.
* If you have 2 signees, then the 2nd signee's signature block will be placed 1 inch below the 1st signee's signature block.
||Set the location of the Initials Block
<pre><!--InitialsBlock InitialsAnchorString--></pre>
<pre><!--InitialsBlock Your Initials:--></pre>
||Here the anchor string is "Your Initials: "
DocuSign will find "Your Initials: " in your HTML and place the Initials Block below it. If the specified AnchorString is not found in the document, or if you do not include this tag in your HTML, signees will have the option to place their initials anywhere in the document.
Smartstaff, administrator

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