Selecting an eventid from a list of records

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In the following example, we will imagine that:

  • We want to have a dropdown field that shows a list of Payments attached to a record that are in Scheduled status.
  • Additionally, we want to display some information about the Payments so that the user can differentiate between them, and select the appropriate record.
  • The list of Payments in the dropdown should be automatically populated, depending on the record that the field appears on.

This example shows a dropdown on a record with two Payments in the Scheduled status. DropDownExampleUsingListSyntax.png

--Please Select--;@parent.[#(?object=activity;criteria=typename='Payment' and statusname='Scheduled';)~eventid~=Payment on $Scheduled Payment Date$ of $Payment Amount$;#]@

Now that we have a stored list of eventids