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269 bytes added, 15:19, 2 July 2019
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* For more information about '''Inner '''and '''Outer Join, '''see [[Reports Based on Multiple Tables#Inner and Outer Joins|this article]] - however, the default when you add a table to a report is '''Inner Join, '''and the '''Outer Join '''functionality is not necessary until you want to add multiple tables to a report. 
===Launching the Report Builder===
Once you have '''Saved '''your new report with the '''Builder Type - Classic '''selected, a '''four square icon '''will appear at the top left of your page above the report name.
=Configuration - Advanced=
==Advanced Settings of Reports==
The second tab on the '''New Report '''page is labelled '''Advanced. '''This tab will display all the advanced settings that can be configured for the report.:: [[File:Advanced report functions.png|500px|border]]The options for the '''Advanced''' tab are described in the table below:{| class="wikitable"'''Criteria Text'''Text used to prompt the [[User|user]] when they are [[Prompting_for_Criteria_in_Reports|required to enter]] some [[:Category:Criteria|criteria]] values. Use this setting to specify the introduction text as well as labels for custom fields. Labels are defined by a hyphen (-) preceding the label and are applied to the criteria fields in the order that they are entered.'''View Mode'''
:: [[File:Advanced report functions.png|400px|border]]The options for the '''Advanced''' tab are described in the table below: {| class="wikitable"|-||'''Criteria Text'''||Text used to prompt the [[user]] when they are [[Prompting for Criteria in Reports|required to enter]] some [[Criteria|criteria]] values. This setting will also specify the introduction text, as well as labels for [[Custom Fields]]. Labels are defined by a hyphen (-) preceding the label ('''ex: '''"-First Name"and are applied to the criteria fields in the other that they are entered.|-||'''View Mode'''||'''[[List View Overview|List View]] - '''Selecting this option will allow all the records to appear in a list. 
'''Single Record View - '''Selecting this option means that each report will be displayed one at a time. 
|-||'''External Access'''||'''[[Internet Enabled Reports|Internet Enabled ]] -  '''Displays a Toggling on this function will generate a [[URL]] that that allows the report to be [[Creating_a_Public_–_Internet_Enabled_Report|be accessed over the internet]] without the need for a user to log into the system. This setting is useful for creating public creating '''public '''reports. |-||'''[[OData Odata Overview|OData Connector]]'''||Toggling on this option will use Open Data Protocol to simplify data-sharing across disparate applications in enterprise, Cloud, and mobile devices.
* This feature will only appear for '''Enabled Version 2,3,4 -Neo Reports'''; it is not available for new '''Classic Reports. '''
Uses Open Data Protocol to simplify data sharing across disparate applications in enterprise, Cloud, and mobile devices.|-||'''Disable Global Template'''Disables the ||Toggling on this option will disable the [[Global Report Template]] for (a personalization of HTML header/footer for all system-based reports) for this specific report.'''Record Limit'''Determines the maximum number of records returned in the report. |-||'''Interactive View Display'''||'''None - '''
'''Display Link to Interactive View - '''
'''Open Report Directly in Interactive View - '''
|-||'''Total Label'''<br />|||-||'''Other Options'''||'''Enable Translation - '''Allows report headers and associated charts to use translation options in the system's [[Language Library]].
'''Enable TranslationStraight Join - ''' - Allows report headers, and associated charts, to use translation options in See [[Language LibraryStraight Join]].
'''Enable Straight JoinPivot View - ''' Enables pivot functionality; this means that when grouping by two different columns, you now have the option to perform an aggregate function and pivot the grouped columns across the x-/y- See [[Straight Join]]axis. 
'''Enable Pivot View Merge Sub-Reports - ''' Enables pivot functionality. When grouping by two different columns, you now have the option to perform an aggregate function and pivot the grouped columns across the x/y axisSee [[Merge Sub-Reports]]. 
'''Merge SubNo Name URL Parameter -Reports ''' - See [[Merge Sub-ReportsEnable URL Parameter Encryption]]. 
'''No Name URL ParameterHide Custom Export - ''' - See This will hide the ability for a user to [[Enable URL Parameter EncryptionCustom Export]]this report.
'''Hide Custom File Export''' - This will hide the ability for [[Custom Export]] for this report.  '''Hide File Export''' - This will hide the ability for a user to [[File Export]] for this report. 
===Report and Field Caching===
Scrolling further down the '''Advanced Settings '''tab will allow you to modify the functionality of caching for reports and field. 

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