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744 bytes removed, 19:13, 30 January 2023
Structure of the Portal
====Main Menu====
If you are using the compact header (recommended), the The main menu will appear in line with the user menu. You can have three types of content in the main menu. A single page, sections, and subtabs, which are a drop-down menu of links. Essentially you will have a combination of links and drop-down links. Each link will take the user to a location. The main menu is intended to hold links to UTAs or other specific areas of the system.
Note: keep in mind the only links that should be in the main menu are the most important links that need to be present all the time. If something does not need to be always visible you may want to make it a shortcut instead. If you do create main menu links, keep the amount of links around 5 or less for usability. More links increase cognitive strain on users so always try to keep portals simple. Also, try to keep the captions of these links to 1 or 2 words.
[[File:Portal-link-subtab.png|thumb|none|500px|Two types of main menu links the page and section or the sub tab]]
====Header Style Compact====
The compact header style displays everything in a single line. It features consistent interactions, takes up less vertical real estate and looks more modern. We suggest you turn on this system-wide setting, but be aware it will affect all users for all roles. To enable the compact header, go to menu icon > global settings > branding > toggle on Enable Compact header.
[[File:Portal-compact-vs-default.png|thumb|none|500px|Compact header and default header]]
====Header Style Default====
By default, your header will have a user menu and main menu that are separated. Some users find this confusing and cluttered so you may want to avoid this style of header.
====The Body of the Portal====

Navigation menu