Pandora - Update User Setting

This function will update a single user record or create a new user record.

Parameter Description
Flag Asynchronous processing Flag

Set to False for synchronous processing.

Set to True for asynchronous processing.

Callbackfunc User created Java function to manage the callback from an asynchronous function.
userid userid of the user to be updated
key Key to the setting to be updated
value The value to be written to the database

Key and Value options

  • Key: DEFAULT-LANG - user's language preference
  • Values:
  • 1 = English
  • 2 = French (Canada)
  • 3 = Traditional Chinese
  • 4 = German
  • 6 = French (France)
  • 7 = Japanese
  • 8 = Finnish
  • 9 = Spanish (Ecuador)
  • 10 = Vietnamese


function updatelanguage() {
   var rs=usersetting_update(false,"",@me.userid@,"DEFAULT-LANG",2);
   alert("Your language preference has been updated to French. Please refresh the page for the change to take effect.");