Custom Field Type: Lookup - Organization and People

(Redirected from Lookup - Organization and People)


General Description

User is able to look up people and store their organisation names and individual names. Both Internal and External people and organisations can be searched. The resulting data is read only and not linked to the underlying entity.

Field Illustrated

Cf lep ex1.png
Lookup - Entity and People field, in Edit Mode (above)

Cf lep ex2.png
Lookup - Entity and People field, illustrated is the pop-up window for locating people (above)

Cf lep ex3.png
Lookup - Entity and People field, illustrated is a completed Field (above)

Note: Only the name of the selected entity is stored. It is not linked to the underlying object.

Field Options

All common options:
General Settings
Permissions & Availability
Classic Options
For further information, please refer to Custom Fields – General Information.

Options listed below are specific to this particular field type.

  • Lookup Role IDs - This field specifies which roles to include in the lookup (specified by the Role ID).


  • This field stores the name of the selected contact only. It is not possible to refer to details of the selected contact such as address, userid, e-mail etc.