IRS and CRA - Automatic Verification

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SmartSimple supports automatic verification of organizations with multiple databases such as IRS, CRA, OFAC, or UK Charities.

System Administrators can set up automatic monthly checks of organizations in a certain category against these databases, and save the record of the check as a transaction on the company profile.

Database Check Records on the Company Profile

OpeningOrgsearchFromTransaction.png TransactionListOnOrgRecord.png TransactionOnOrgRecord.png


Organization Field Transaction Field Organization Tax ID Organization Name Foundation Type / OFAC entity type Organization Type / OFAC list type Organization Address Organization City Organization State Organization ZIP Organization Status/OFAC score Database Organization Registration ID: Database IDs: Automatic Verification Settings: Automatic Checking Schedule: Can be set to N/A, Once a month, Once every two months or Once every three months Automatic Checking Database: IRS Canadian Charities OFAC Automatic Checking As User: This is a drop down field providing a selection of internal users in your system. IRSCheck.png IRSFieldMapping.png

See Also