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Global User Administrator

368 bytes added, 19:12, 3 July 2019
Other Permissions
The '''SysAdmin '''role should also be permissioned to have more functionality in the system - for example, you should ensure that the role has the ability to set, activate, set password, and edit email addresses of all other people in the system. 
Click By clicking on the 9-square menu icon icon and '''Global Settings''', you can permission the '''System Administrator'''role in multiple areas of the system easily and efficiently. Some key areas include the following: <pre> Use the Search bar on the top right to easily find hyperlinks in Global Settings . </pre>  * '''System Visibility Permissions'''* '''System Feature Permissions ''' You can also permission '''Roles and Security > User Roles '''to permission the '''SysAdmin '''role moreby clicking on the menu icon > '''Roles and Security > User Roles. '''
==See Also==

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