
Exporting List View Results to Microsoft Excel

1,884 bytes added, 18:12, 10 February 2021
no edit summary
A major feature of SmartSimple [[list views]] is that list view results can be easily exported to Microsoft Excel.
Once your list view has been [[Configuring List Views|created]], click on the "Export" tab of the list view for which you wish to enable exporting.
{{ExportListViewPage}}A major feature of SmartSimple [[list views]] is that list view results can be easily exported to Microsoft Excel. Once your list view has been [[Configuring List Views|created]], take the following steps to enable exporting to Excel:
# The first step will be Go to select the [[Accessing the List View Configuration Page|list view configuration page]].# Click into the list view for which you wish to enable exporting.# Click on the "Export" tab.# Select the {{EnableExport}} option.# Click the "Save" button.
* This The Export button will make now be enabled for your list view.<br /><br />* You can also tell the Export button visible at system where you want the top results of the list view export to be positioned in the resultant Excel spreadsheet. Visit [[Positioning Exported List View Results in your Excel Spreadsheet|this page]] for instructions.* Additionally, you can upload an Excel spreadsheet to be used as a template for list viewresult exports. Visit [[Using an Excel Template for List View Export Results|this page]] for instructions.* SmartSimple uses special rules for exporting values stored in currency formats to Excel. Visit [[Exporting Currency Values to Excel from List Views|this page]] for detailed information.
# The next step will be to tell the system where in the resultant Excel file to position your results.'''Note:'''
* Buttons displayed on the list view, such as [[Quick Edit]] buttons and {{MSExcelSettingsWPV}}s, will not be exported. A blank column in the Excel file will result for columns containing only buttons.* In the [[Basic Search|Basic Search panel]], when searching on a custom field, an additional column is added to the list view showing the values for that custom field. This additional column will not be exported to the Excel spreadsheet, an additional list view export can be configured for that.
* The default setting ===CSV Data Security===When exporting data into a CSV format, files can become vulnerable to [ malicious CSV injection attacks]. As a precautionary measure, an additional space will be added at the beginning of any values starting with at signs ( @ ), plus signs ( + ), minus signs ( - ), piping symbols ( | ), or equals signs ( = ). Therefore, when you export a file from Platform3 into a CSV format and later need to import that file into another system, please ensure you trim the additional space in front of any values.
- adding Excel file to [[SmartFolders]]{{ListViewFooter}}
* [[Positioning Exported List View Results in your Excel Spreadsheet]]
* [[Using an Excel Template for List View Export Results]]
* [[Import/Export and Integration Techniques Overview]]
* [[Exporting Currency Values to Excel from List Views]]
[[Category:Document Generation]]
<!--Support Tickets that pertain to exporting list views to Excel:
- I fixed it by removing the currency format when exporting. I also apply a fix to remove all html codes from the content for the export. This is on org
- 15327 - Issues with list view export to excel
- 24623 - QuickEdit button should be excluded from export