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Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

459 bytes removed, 13:05, 28 July 2017
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/* CSS Document */
.LeftAlign {text-align:left;}
.RightAlign {text-align:right;} <!--Used to align numbers like money to the right-->.xml700 {width:700px;} <!--Used to constrain the xml and title bars to 700px-->.xml3col .xmlHead {font-size:12px;} <!--Used to change the header font size-->.xml3col .xmlLabel {width:470px; min-width:470px; max-width:470px; font-size:12px;} <!--Used to set the first column to a set size and change the font size-->.xml3col .xmlCell {width:80px; min-width:80px; max-width:80px; font-size:12px} <!--Used to set the rest of the columns to a set size and change the font size-->.xml3col .xmlCell.note {width:150px; min-width:150px; max-width:150px; font-size:12px} <!--Used to set one column to a larger size than the other cells--></pre>
Go to the desired SmartFolders and upload your CSS file. Use '''View URL''' to get the path to the CSS file. Then add the relative link back into your '''Read Only - System Variable'''. e.g.
Smartstaff, administrator

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