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Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

1,825 bytes removed, 21:19, 23 December 2016
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{{Custom Field ID}}
'''{{Field Type''': Used to select the field type from list of available field types.}}
'''{{Field Name''': Used internally to reference the user's input.}}
'''{{Description''': Used for a general description, this field only appears on the configuration page.}}
'''{{XSL Template''': Used to define how the XML will look.}}
'''{{XML Tag Mapping''': Used to Tag Maps.}}
'''{{XML Javascript Function''': Used for JavaScript and jQuery functions such as validations.}}
'''{{Show View XML Button''': Used to display the XML button. This button opens the xml feed (code) in a new window.}}
'''{{Show Upload Button''': Used to display the upload button. This button enables the user to upload an XML, and if the node structure matches that of the field, it will populate the cells with the correct values.}}
'''{{Show Up/Down Button''': Used to display an up and down arrow on each row of a dynamic XML section. Enabling the user to move rows up and down.}}
'''{{Display fields refreshed upon edit''': Displays the ID of custom fields that reference this field. When this field is modified the references will automatically update.}}
'''{{Custom Field Ids''': Used to reduce variable processing time. Specify field ids of custom fields referenced from within the current field.}}
==== Display ====
'''{{Display Order''': Used to define where this field appears relative to other fields. Lower numbers appear closer to the top of the page.}}
'''{{Tab Name''': Used to display the field under a specific tab.}}
'''{{Caption''': Used as a label or question before the field. If left blank, the Field Name will be displayed as the caption.}}
'''{{Caption Location''': Used to control the position and visibility of the caption. See Examples [[Label_Display_Options]]}}
'''{{Instructions''': Used to display text in the caption area. Instructions appear below the caption and are always visible unlike tool tips that appear on mouse over.}}
'''{{Button Label''': Used to specify the text that appears on the button. You can also specify an icon.}}
'''{{Tool Tip''': Used to display a text message when the user hovers over the question mark. These messages are intended to assist the user in filling in the desired field.}}'''{{On New Record''': Used to control when the field should be displayed.}}
Smartstaff, administrator

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