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Custom Export

3 bytes added, 16:02, 27 November 2017
Fields / Detail
==Fields / Detail==
The Field section is used to select the columns from within the report that are to be exported, which are then stored in the Details section.
The Field section is used to select It consists of a drop-down list, showing all the exposed report columns from within as well as the report that are to be exported{TAB}, which are then stored in the Details section{LINEFEED} and {BREAK} options.
It consists of a drop-down list, showing all the exposed report columns as well as the {TAB} and {BREAK} options.
[[Image:Custom Export7.png|link=|800px]]
Simply click on the options in the drop-down list to have them store to the end of the Details section.
The columns should then be separated from each other by selecting the {TAB} syntax.
The last column selected should be followed by the {BREAK} syntax. This is required to ensure that each new record in the report appears on a separate line.
In the example below there are four columns selected (i.e. Name, Address 1. City, Country).
[[Image:Custom Export8.png|link=|800px]]
When the report is then exported there are 4 discreet columns, with each new record appearing on a new line.
[[Image:Custom Export9.png|link=|800px]]

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