
Creating SmartConnect Functions

2 bytes removed, 15:49, 25 March 2022
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'''Mandatory fields''' to add new records:<br/>
objectid -  is the [[Determining_the_opportunityid|Opportunity ID]] where the user will be associated to.<br/>
contactid - [[Determining_the_userid|User IDID  ]]  rolename / roleid -  association role of the user<br />  
isupdate -  "1" for yes to update and "0" for to add new record
--End custom parameter--<br />
Note: In the API website, the content of the file will be shown in the Response section as seen below.
<br />
====Upload File(s) to a field in the company profile====
<!--122516 - API file upload-->
objectid - is the [wiki/Determining_the_companyid Company ID] where the file is attached to.<br />
fieldid - [wiki/Custom_Field_ID Custom Field ID] of the Organization record that is either a [wiki/Custom_Field_Type:_Upload_-_Single_File_Storage single file type] or [wiki/Custom_Field_Type:_Upload_-_Multiple_Files_Storage multiple file type].
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
objectid: 1688407<br />
fieldid: 1523157<br />
--End custom parameter--
<br />Note: To test use Postman.