Calculated Field

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The Calculated Field in Reporting allows you to specify MYSQL statements to be executed when generating the report.

The following are some examples of statements that can be entered into the Calculated Field of the Report builder.


Add the values in column 10 and 11:

  • If the value in either column 10 or 11 is blank(null), using the above statement will result in incorrect calculations.

Sum column 10 and 11, using zero as the value if the either field is blank:



Under Calculated Field section, you can use the following format for a date field

DATE_FORMAT([this], '%W, %M %D') -- Thursday, November 5th

DATE_FORMAT([this], '%h:%i %p') -- 11:45 AM - 02:00 PM

Format Description
%a Abbreviated weekday name
%b Abbreviated month name
%c Month, numeric
%D Day of month with English suffix
%d Day of month, numeric (01-31)
%e Day of month, numeric (1-31)
%H Hour (00-23)
%h Hour (01-12)
%I Hour (01-12)
%i Minutes, numeric (00-59)
%k Hour (0-23)
%l Hour (1-12)
%M Month name
%m Month, numeric (00-12)
%p AM or PM
%r Time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss AM or PM)
%S Seconds (00-59)
%s Seconds (00-59)
%T Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)
%W Weekday name
%Y Year, four digits
%y Year, two digits

Conditional Statements

To show different results depending on the value you can use 2 methods:



  • if(conditional statement,value if true,value if false)


if([11] in (9681,10134,10028,9685,9683,9901),'Submitted',[this])



  • CASE value WHEN value 1 THEN result 1 WHEN value 2 THEN result 2END


CASE [this] WHEN 'Status 1' THEN 'Submission Cutoff is March 5th.' WHEN 'Status 2' 
THEN 'Thank for your submission' WHEN 'Status 3' THEN 'Congratulations' ELSE 'I have no comment' END

See Also