
Auto Loader

573 bytes added, 20:38, 9 October 2019
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: [[Image:Auto9.png|thumb|none|900px]]
* The '''number of columns''' you select determines the number of fields you can map.
* The '''field nameIdentifier''' . Enable the column that you have identified as the identifier.  This is selected from the Field combo boximportant when you are updating existing records.  Single/multiple field(see the Reference section below for information on standard field namess)* In order for the update to succeed, a single field is /are required to match an upload uploaded record to an existing database record this is indicated as within the Identifier field. Customer data will generally be an account number type fieldsystem. * The''' Table header''' field is only required if you are using the HTML Table feature or when loading an XML or JSON file. You can fill out this section with the column headers of the file you want to upload.* The '''Duplicate Match BeahviourField ''' drop-down allows user to specify is selected thru a dropdown box. (see the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier Reference section below for information on standard field(snames).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
<span style="font-size: medium;">'''IMPORTANT:''' </span><br />The following fields must only be included in the Autoloader field mappings if you are updating '''existing''' records. These fields '''must not''' be used when using the Auto Loader to create new records.
::* '''Company ID''' (Company Auto Loader)
: [[Image:Auto7.png]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update matching record''''' check box. If you enable the other check box '''''Update only, do not create new''', existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* '''Duplicate Match Behavior''' - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.Drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
* '''Account''' – determines where in the organisational hierarchy new records should be added.
* '''Is External''' – choose this option when creating external companies under the root company.
: [[Image:Auto7c.png]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update Matching record''' check box. If you do not enable the other check box '''Update only, do not create new''' existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* '''Duplicate Match Behavior'''  - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.Drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
* '''Type''' – drop-down list of all Event or Transaction types, depending on the exact '''Item''' selected. It defaults to N/A
* '''Status''' – drop-down list of all Event or Transaction statuses, depending on the exact '''Item''' selected. It defaults to N/A
: [[Image:AutoloaderNewRecordUTA.png|link=]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update Matching record''' check box. If you do not enable the other check box '''Update only, do not create new''' existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* '''Duplicate Match Behavior'''  - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.Drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
* '''Type''' – drop-down list of all Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Transaction types, depending on the exact '''Level''' selected. It defaults to N/A
* '''Status''' – drop-down list of all Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Transaction statuses, depending on the exact '''Item''' selected. It defaults to N/A