API Code: Upload File to Custom Field

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The following is an sample of code that would upload a file to a specified field using the API:

Dim tk As New SmartComClient.Toolkit
Dim CurrentSession As SmartComClient.Session
Dim rtn As String
Set CurrentSession = tk.LoginUser("alias", "alias.smartsimple.com", "myname@mydomain.com", "mypassword")
If CurrentSession Is Nothing Then
       MsgBox tk.getLastErr()
       rtn = tk.uploadFileField(CurrentSession, 12345, 98765, "d:\temp\sample.pdf")
       MsgBox rtn
End If

Note: 12345 is the target custom field ID and 98765 is the Object ID (opportunityid, activityid, userid, companyid, etc.)

This API may not work for files larger than 64MB in size.