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3 bytes added, 20:21, 14 July 2009
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::'''''Note:''' Any [[Role]] with the UTA [[Manager Permission]] will be able to override the '''Lock on Status''' setting, even if not specified here.''
* '''Roles that Can Set This Status''' - The specific [[Role|roles]] that can set the status. If you do not set a role, then any [[User|user]] can set any status.
You can restrict which '''Statuses'' are available to each Level 1 Template. See [[Level 1 Templates#Associating Templates with Statuses|here]] for details.
==Button Options==
You do not need to associate all statuses with all types of Level 1 items. See [[Level 1 Templates#Associating Templates with Statuses|here]] for details.
==Status Triggers==

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