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Web Page View Field

1,878 bytes added, 00:24, 5 December 2008
no edit summary
* '''Save to Multiple File Field''' – enables the [[User|user]] to save the document as a PDF into any multiple file type fields in the related [[Entity|entity]].
* '''Save to Local Disk''' – enables the [[User|user]] to save a local copy of the PDF document.
<u>'''Attach PDF File to Web Page View Field'''</u>
This directive is not visible to web page in HTML mode but is effective when exported as a PDF, saved as a PDF, emailed PDF and created by [[Workflow|workflow]] as attachment.
'''Sample Codes'''
1. Appending current web page field to a PDF file from [[Smart Folder|smart folder]].
<!- - @ssattach(before;/files/1234/123/myfile.pdf )- ->
2. Appending a PDF file from [[Smart Folder|smart folder]] to current web page field .
<!- - @ssattach(after;/files/1234/123/myfile.pdf )- ->
3. Appending current web page field to a PDF file from a [[Custom Field|custom field]] (single file type).
<!- - @ssattach(before;@attach pdf file@)- ->
<!- - @ssattach(before;@#xxxxxxx#@)- -> where xxxx is customfield id.
* Directives can be placed anywhere inside the field, more than one directive can be used like this.
<!- - @ssattach(before;/files/1234/123/myfileheader.pdf )- ->
<!- - @ssattach(after;/files/1234/123/myfilefooter.pdf )- ->
<!- - @ssattach(after;/files/1234/123/myfileappendix.pdf )- ->
My Pdf file
* All page settings will driven by first PDF document file, either it is a static file or generated by [[SmartSimple]]
* Using @customfield@ instead of [[Smart Folder|smart folder]] file (like @parent.contract@)
* Use if sslogic like this:
<!- -@sslogic(‘@type@’=’contact’) - ->
<!- -@ssattach(after;/files/1234/123/myfilefooter.pdf )- ->
<!- - @ssattach(after;/files/1234/123/myfilefooter.pdf )- ->
[[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:Enhancements]][[Category:System Management]]
<u>'''HTML Options'''</u>

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