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Show/Hide Header

2 bytes removed, 20:42, 5 November 2008
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This is a new feature designed to support more dynamic pages by providing for control of the visibility of [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] through values that are entered elsewhere on the page.
onchange="_showhideheader(xxxxxx,this.value!='Yes')" - Display the controlled fields when the control field is not equal to Yes.
onchange="_showhideheader(xxxxxx,(this.value=='Yes' || this.value=='Maybe'))" - Display the controlled fields when the control field is either not equal to Yes or Maybe.
onchange="_showhideheader(xxxxxx,(this.value=='Yes'|| this.value=='Maybe'))") - Display the controlled fields when the control field is empty.
Display the controlled fields when the control field is either Yes or Maybe. onchange="_showhideheader(xxxxxx,this.value==''") Display the controlled fields when the control field is empty. onchange="_showhideheader(xxxxxx, parseInt(this.value ) >6)" -  Display the controlled fields when the control field is greater than 6. </pre>
The difference between this feature and [[Custom Field Type (87): Dynamic Data – Dynamic Control Field|Dynamic Control]] field is that:

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