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4,140 bytes added, 29 April
May 9th 2024 (202405.01)
We have also introduced a new left navigation panel which contains 4 groupings:
* '''FilesFolders''' (previously known as "General") encompasses physical files* '''System FilesFolders''' (previously known as "Configuration Folders") consists of files for system reference, such as document templates or files intended for autoloader and export storage
* '''Quarantined''' (previously known as "Virus Infected Files") contains files that were marked by the uploader as potentially containing a virus
* '''Expired Files''' consists of files that have been marked as "Expired"
<!-- 134562 - SmartFolders 2.0 -->
====SmartSimple +AI Feature Set====
: ''Main Articles: [[AI|+AI Overview]], [[Enabling +AI Within Your System]]''
==Service Packs==
====May 9th 2024 (202405.01)====
* Updated the Icon Library to include over 20K new icons.
<!-- 141155 - Update Font Awesome library -->
* Added two ways to easily retrieve the user ID of the individual who created a record, such as a Level 1 application. To retrieve the user ID, you can either utilize the '''Report Builder''' and include the standard field '''Created By ID''', or you can employ the new variable, <code>@createdbyid@</code>. This new variable is supported in workflows, User and Organization profiles, as well as on Level 1/2/3 and Transaction records.
<!-- 145725 - Need to be able to pull the created by user id -->
* Added ability to add annotations as a dataset in the '''Report Builder''' which can also be joined to Level 1, Level 2, and User tables
<!-- 147260 - Add ability to report on annotations -->
* Created a new 3rd party integration to pull read-only content from external sources such as Google AI, Azure AI, census data, etc. To see this feature, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''External Data Source Integration'''. To learn more, read our article on [[External Data Source Integration | external data source integration]].
<!-- 149530 - PHEAA Architecture - integration to pull data from external source -->
* Added an easy way for research clients to acknowledge researcher contributions to peer review activities by sending participation data from review panels to ORCID profiles. To set up the peer review mapping integration, navigate to the desired UTA > '''Configuration Settings''' > '''Connectivity tab''' > '''ORCID Peer Review Field Mapping'''. Page-level help is available on the setting page to assist with the configuration process.
<!-- 158066 - Send review data to ORCiD -->
* Updated the behavior of numeric and date fields to display as "numbers". For example, when the language is switched to Nepali, the field will show "NPR 123,456.79" instead of "नेरू १,२३,४५६.७९".
<!-- 160222 - Validation Error with Nepali Numbers in 2024 CCR Application -->
* Fixed an issue with the Excel Parser when populating basic data tables on records with a version other than the core fieldset.
<!-- 153711 - Troubleshooting Same Record Syntax for Excel Parser -->
* Fixed an issue where the '''View Message''' window was not showing HTML e-mail messages in a timely manner.
<!-- 159255 - HTML Email not showing -->
* Fixed an issue with the record opening behavior on list views with proximity map enabled as well as list views with the '''View Style''' set to "Grid".
<!-- 160053 - Listview configured with Open Record in Modal Window doesn't. -->
* Fixed an issue where sub-fields were not previously listed in archive schedule files. Added '''Status ID''' and '''Status Name''' in the user archive.
<!-- 160391 - Data Archive to include user status id -->
====April 25th 2024 (202404.03)====
* Fixed an issue where unresolved variables for the meta tags were displaying on the routing and signup pages.
<!-- 160739 - Issues identified on the Routing Page and the Alternate Pages in the French version of the website. -->
<!--161066 - Variables for metadescription and metarobots on signup pages -->
====April 18th 2024 (202404.02)====
* Fixed an issue related to workflows using the request for approval task where a variable inside a connector condition was not resolving as expected.
<!-- 158451 - Task Owner Delay -->
* Updated the system for improved security.
<!-- 160419 - 312343 M2 - Cross-site Scripting (Post Authentication) - Community Development VA Finding -->
<!-- 160420 - 312343 M5 - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) - Community Development VA Finding -->
====April 11th 2024 (202404.01)====
* Added a new feature called '''+AI Assistant''', designed to streamline actions at the record level. Whether it's updating statuses, altering field values, or creating new fields, activities, and associations, this tool simplifies the process. Instead of manually locating fields and adjusting values, users can now utilize the hands-free voice interface to make updates. To access the '''+AI Assistant''', navigate to the desired level Level 1, 2, or 3 record and select the '''Tools''' dropdown. To setup set up the feature , navigate to the desired UTA > '''Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1''', '''2''', or '''3 ''' tab> '''+AI Assistant'''.
<!-- 157488 - AI Assistant Interface -->
* Added the ability to allow users to use the Shift + Enter keyboard combination to insert new lines into the input box on +AI chat windows.
<!-- 158186 - Make work with +AI support shift enter like chatgpt-->
* Updated Disable Inactive Account functionality so that users with access type '''API Access''' will no longer be locked for inactivity.
<!-- 146226 - permanant account for API account -->
* Updated the Candid Demographics API to include changes to new and existing data points. In particular, there were updates to category labels, the introduction of category and subcategory IDs, and the addition of new subcategories under "Gender Identity" and "Sexual Orientation".
<!-- 157754 - Implement changes to Candid Demographics API -->
* Updated the behavior of the '''Media Library ''' to display a message instead of attempting to display an image with excessively large file dimensions.
<!-- 159018 - Large images uploaded to media library -->
* Fixed an issue where the value of the "Computed - Auto Number" custom field failed to increment and save as expected when records were created using the copy profile feature. Following the upgrade, inclusion of Updated report interactive view by removing a"Computed third- Auto Number" field in the copy profile will auto increment and saveparty library.<!-- 158456 147757 - GoS - Dev - Value in 'Computed - Auto Number' is not Saved on Creation Update report interactive view code after discontinuation of AngularJS -->* Updated the '''State drop down ''' dropdown for India to include Chhattisgarh, Ladakh and Uttarakhand.
<!-- 159882 - Missing Indian States -->
* Fixed an issue with custom lookup options in dropdown fields, where after you had saved you were not able to select other values.
<!-- 160309 - Custom Lookup options not working -->
* Fixed an issue where the value of the '''Computed - Auto Number''' custom field failed to increment and save as expected when records were created using the '''Copy Profile''' feature. Following the upgrade, inclusion of a '''Computed - Auto Number''' field in the copy profile will auto increment and save.
<!-- 158456 - GoS - Dev - Value in 'Computed - Auto Number' is not Saved on Creation -->
====March 21st 2024 (202403.04)====
* Fixed an issue where the autoloader failed to associate two Level 1 objects within the same UTA after a data migration.
<!-- 159899 - (Autoloader) Association issue between two L1 objects within one UTA -->
====March 18th 2024 (202403.03)====
* Fixed an issue where users were unable to download documents from "Upload - Single File Storage" fields on list views and on "Display - Text and Variables" fields when using object syntax. Users would also see a "Scanning file for viruses" message which was not applicable.
<!-- 159950 - 'Scanning file for viruses' notification on uploaded files. -->
====March 15th 2024 (202403.02)====
* Fixed an issue where the expected visibility of Level 3 activity data (called through variable syntax) was not displaying correctly. This occurred specifically when the Level 2 Advanced Data Table custom field was mapped to Level 3 activities.
<!-- 159911 - Claim tables not visible -->

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