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127 bytes added, 21:15, 17 May 2023
Determining what to change and managing the change
Keep in mind there may be many users in your system such as applicants, program managers, reviewers, stakeholders, funders, and administrators. Each user role may have different challenges to consider. Beyond user roles, the people in your system also have differing abilities and expertise levels so be mindful to be inclusive.
==Determining what to change and managing the change==
Once we have established the challenges our users are experiencing we look at what to change and how to manage that change.
'''What to change?'''
You have a list of pain points for your users but limited time, budget, and technical constraints to consider. Try consolidating your list of challenges and rank them by what you perceive as benefit (value), effort, and risk. Changes could be as simple as changing some text or as complex as changing your internal processes or adopting a feature or integration.
'''How to change?'''
 Consider how you will implement the change. Will you make the change internally or have an external party make the change? If external will the change be made by SmartSimple (Support, implementation team, configuration hours, an RFS, or a partner). Do you need stakeholder buy in? How will people be notified of the upcoming change and when will it be applied? Is there a review process for the change? Do you need to use features like Versioning, Draft Portal, Batch Update, Autoloader or the test to production (T2P) tool? How do you measure the impact and success of your change?
Smartstaff, administrator

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