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PDF Writer Custom Tags

45 bytes removed, 15:15, 29 March 2023
List of Custom Tags (pd4ml)
==List of Custom Tags (pd4ml)==
'''style="pd4ml-display:none"''' or '''style="pd4ml-display:block"''' Controls whether a HTML element will be included or not included in the PDF. Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
'''style="PAGE-BREAK-inside: avoid"''': Prevents an HTML element from being broken by a page break. Note: If the element is more than a page in length this setting cannot be applied and will be ignored. Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
'''pd4ml:page.break''' inserts a page break at this location. We recommend using the '''SmartFields PDF formatting''' setting for inserting page breaks between custom fields. Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
: Options:
:* pageCounter=pagenum
'''pd4ml:page.header''' and '''/pd4ml:page.header''' : Content between tags will be used as the page header. Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
: Options:
:* $[page], $[total] and $[title]: inserts current page number, total number of pages, and document title (respectively)
'''pd4ml:page.footer''' and '''/pd4ml:page.footer''' Use to define the footer. Typically enter '''page $[page] of $[total]''' Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
: Options: same as pd4ml:page.header tag.
 '''pd4ml:toc''' table of contents. Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
: Options:
:* pncorr="number": a correction value to add to page numbers
'''pd4ml:page.break/''' insert this for a PDF page break. Must be wrapped these in angle brackets.
==Page Format==
To generate PDFs in a specific format within the body of the [[Web Page View]], add the appropriate tag below. We recommend adding the sample template to your Web Page View custom field. This will use SmartFields and will automatically create a formatted PDF for you.
 * <span style="font -size="3: medium;">&lt;!--Use Landscape--></fontspan> - will set the HTML width based on the paper type.* <span style="font -size="3: medium;">&lt;!--Use Letter--></fontspan> - will set the page width to 971.* <span style="font -size="3: medium;">&lt;!--Use Legal--></fontspan> - will set the page width to 1235.
==Table Size==
Recommended table sizes are as follows:
* Letter 700 pixels wide
* Letter (landscape) 950 pixels wide
==Specify PDF File Name==
If Use the syntax ''<nowiki><!--'Exported File Name''' input to change the name on the generated PDF file. This will change the HTML comment tag called '''filename='WPF - filenameApplication Preview''--></nowiki>'' is included in the '''HTML Template, when saved as a PDF, the PDF filename will default to 'WPF - filename.pdf''.<br />Variables such as @name@ can be used (ex. ''<nowiki><!--filename='WPF - @name@'--></nowiki>'') to dynamically set the resultant PDF filename.
==See Also==

Navigation menu