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135 bytes added, 16:41, 28 October 2022
Minor Updates
===Minor Updates===
====Added Option to Add a Subject Line to Notes====
Added setting to allow subject lines for the notes. Additionally, the notes can also be collapsed. If this new setting is enabled, individual notes can be collapsed and expanded. To enable this feature, go to '''Global Settings ''' > '''System ''' tab > Toggle on '''Enable Subject Line for Notes'''.
<!-- 138067 - Enhancements - Subject Line for Notes & Ability to Collapse -->
====Added Ability to Link a Shortcut to a Page====
Added a new '''Action Type ''' called '''Page ''' to portal shortcuts to make it easier to link to a page. To see this setting, go to '''Global Settings ''' > ''' Users ''' tab > '''Portals ''' > Edit a portal > Click '''Shortcuts ''' in the top action bar > Edit a shortcut with the '''Style ''' set to '''Icon''', '''Image ''' or '''Text ''' > Set '''Action Type ''' to ''' Page'''.
<!-- 126821 - Make it easy to link a shortcut to a page. -->
====Added Ability for Autoloader to Add and Update Longitude and Latitude====
Added ability to add and update ''' Longitude ''' and '''Latitude ''' standard fields for ''' Company''', '''People ''' and '''Level 2 ''' autoloaders. To see this new setting, '''Autoloaders ''' > Edit an autoloader > '''File Layout ''' tab > under '''Column Mapping'''.
<!-- 141216 - Autoloader - to add sf.longitude and sf.latitude -->

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