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4,406 bytes added, 20:20, 24 August 2022
Service Packs
==Service Packs==
===August 25th 2022 (202208.02)===
* Fixed an issue where the number of precision values was not being applied to the custom field type '''Special - Chart''' if the chart had a '''Number Format''' set to '''None.'''
<!-- 135527 - Values on Field Special-Chart -->
* Fixed an issue with the “'''Within the last X days”''' clause of the '''Advanced Search''' criteria when the NOT operator was in use.
<!-- 138882 - Listview filter 'Within the last x days' is not working -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Upload - Multiple File Storage''' field where the file limit could be bypassed by enabling''' Keep Version''', uploading a file with the same name as a previously uploaded file, and utilizing the <code>.uploadlink</code> variable.
<!-- 139097 - More than 2 files can be uploaded to References -->
* Fixed an issue with the versioning on '''Upload - Single File Storage''' field where the file type restriction was not being pulled from the desired version.
<!-- 139967 - Single file upload field error -->
* Fixed an issue with emulating a user where if you switched the language setting, it was not applying the new language setting everywhere.
<!-- 139212 - Language Settings Issue When Emulating Users in French -->
* Fixed an issue with email activities where Level 2 formulas were not executing when an email was created from a Level 1 record directly instead of being triggered by a workflow.
<!-- 139667 - Simons - Type formulas not executing for email activities -->
====Other Changes====
* Added a new column to the '''Invitations History''' called '''Invite Sent''' which can be sorted in descending order by date and time. To see the''' Invitation History''', go to the desired UTA record and click '''Logs''' > '''Invitations History'''.
<!-- 138153 - Should invitation history be ordered in descending order based on date like other histories? -->
* Added a new option in the '''Custom Field Translation Settings''' so you can use a different file name per language when you rename uploaded files. To see this setting, edit an Upload – Single /Multiple file upload custom field and click '''Custom Field Translation Settings'''.
<!-- 114975 - no option for translation of file name -->
* Added a new''' Integration Key Management''' option called '''PGP Key''' which can be used for encryption in the report export and decryption in the autoloader.
<!-- 128992 - PGP encryption keys added in the Integration Key Management -->
* Updated the display of the '''Special - Like Button Rating''' custom field so the thumbs up and down will display in PDFs.
<!-- 138081 - The PDF of the Special - Like button rating field need more clarification to details -->
* Updated SmartCheck validation to work with the new long form date format, such as '''January 03, 2022 (mmmm dd, yyyy)'''.
<!-- 140180 - SmartCheck Validation doesn't work with new date format -->
* Fixed an issue with the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field where records using <code>ssRetiredOptions</code> were appearing in the list of options.
<!-- 140182 - RID Field 1867084 -->
* Fixed an issue with portal sections of the type''' List View''' that are using the '''Record Count''' setting. If a user clicks the '''Show More''' link, the results will no longer be restricted to the height of the section on the previous page.
<!-- 127485 - Portal section using Record Limit should ignore height set when you click show more. -->
* Added an option of “Last 3 Months” to the '''System Usage Chart''' located at '''Global Settings''' > '''Systems''' tab
<!-- 138372 - System Usage Chart - All option just shows last 24 hours -->
* Deprecated the classic setting to hide the top button action bar on the user profile. Previously, this setting was located at '''Global Settings''' >''' Security''' tab > '''System Visibility Permissions''' > '''People''' tab > '''Hide Menu Bar'''.
<!-- 139297 - cannot close split screen -->
* Added security patches for open source components
<!-- 136472 - HP Fortify - Vulnerable Open Source Components -->
* Updated the state/province standard field options for Kenya and the U.K.
<!-- 139609 - Standard Field - State / Province Incorrect for Kenya (ID 1056) -->
<!-- 136592 - Council Area drop down options in Organisation Profile -->
* Updated wording on the SmartSimple Cloud cookie policy for added clarity
<!-- 139220 - Cookies -->
===August 25th 2022 (202208.02)===

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