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428 bytes added, 15:50, 28 June 2022
Enhanced Single Sign-On and Added Role Mapping
===Major Updates===
====Enhanced Single Sign-On and Added Role Mapping====
Updated the single sign-on settings page and included a (SSO) module with greater role mapping functionality to better support identity federation. A new section option for role mapping. If '''Role Mapping''' is set to''' Enabled'''available, and if enabled, users will be provisioned with all only the roles and access as defined configured within this mapping section, and as described by the SSO assertion attributes received from the Identity Provider system. You may define the list of roles to be monitored or managed, and they then from this list, a user upon login will be stripped have their user roles updated according to the contents of any the SSO assertion. Any mapped roles that they may currently possess that are listed presented in this setting but were the assertion will be added to the user's profile, while any roles not defined explicitly presented in the assertion attributeswill be removed from the user's profile. Updates Additionally, updates were made to the layout of the configuration page including labels, tooltips, and title bars for added clarity.
<!-- 124791 - SSO to update roles for existing users for a fully federated SSO -->

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