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95 bytes added, 17:13, 1 June 2022
May 19th 2022 (202205.03)
==Service Packs==
===May 19th June 9th 2022 (202205202206.0301)===
* Fixed an issue where the annotation pop-up panel was being displayed behind the footer bar.
<!-- 137314 - Annotation Unavailable for some fields -->
* Fixed an issue where the '''Deny Add Field''' was not being applied on the '''Association''' standard field when the '''Use Classic Association Entry View''' was toggled off under '''Global Settings''' > '''Classic Options''' tab.
* Fixed an issue where the Deny Add Field was not being applied on the Association standard field when the Use Classic Association Entry View was toggled off under Global Settings > Classic Options.
<!-- 137734 - Lookups People and organizations in associations list views -->
* Fixed an issue where an administrator’s default language would switch to the language of an emulated user after the session was terminated.
* Fixed an issue where an administrator’s default language would switch to the language of an emulated user after the session was terminated.
<!-- 137312 - System changes language randomly -->
* Fixed an issue where a custom batch update button used to assign group contacts to a record was not applying the selected roles.
* Fixed an issue where a custom batch update button used to assign group contacts to a record was not applying the selected roles.
<!-- 126675 - Batch Update Button - Add Group as Contacts, role doesn't attach -->
* Fixed an issue with the search on media library in portals where searching on fields was not returning results.
* Fixed an issue with the search on media library in portals where searching on fields was not returning results.
<!-- 137188 - Media library search in portals not working as expected -->
* Updated the default display size of the '''Upload - Image''' fields to be 500 pixels wide.
* Updated the default display size of the Upload - Image fields to be 500 pixels wide.
<!-- 136852 - Additional issue - Display of image upload field in application pdf #135922 -->
* Minor additions, bug fixes and security enhancements.
* Minor additions, bug fixes and security enhancements.
<!-- 136978 - Vulnerable Library - jquery-confirm -->
<!-- 136540 - HP Fortify - Missing invitetoken Encoding -->
====Other Changes====
* Added a new setting to flag organizations into acting structurally like a holding folder rather than a true organization with hierarchy permissions. Users assigned to this organization would be restricted from seeing any other user or organization profiles except for their own. This feature prevents inadvertent security breaches.To set this flag, go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Organizations''' > Edit an '''Organization''' > '''Actions''' > '''Edit Categories and Access''' > Toggle on '''Container'''.<!-- 135759 - Ability to flag organization as container -->
* Added a new setting to the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' custom field that allows any entity profile links to be restricted by role. To set this flagup, go to Menu Icon > Organizations > Edit create or edit an Organization > Actions > Edit Categories existing '''Lookup Autocomplete Options''' custom field and Access > Toggle toggle on Container'''Enable Dynamic Content'''. Once toggled, a new role lookup will be surfaced called '''Restrict Entity Link'''.<!-- 135759 - Ability to flag organization as container -->
* Added a new setting to the Lookup - Autocomplete Options custom field that allows any entity profile links to be restricted by role. To set this up, create or edit an existing Lookup Autocomplete Options custom field and toggle on Enable Dynamic Content. Once toggled, a new role lookup will be surfaced called Restrict Entity Link.
<!-- 136422 - Missing Restrict Organization Open link in the lookup field -->
* Updated the CKEditor for rich text to version 4.18.0.
* Updated the CKEditor for rich text to version 4.18.0.
<!-- 137563 - Netcraft Pentest Scan - V1. Outdated JavaScript libraries - CKEditor -->
===May 19th 2022 (202205.03)===

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