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Creating a workflow with scheduled reminders

446 bytes removed, 16:58, 19 May 2022
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Use case: Notifications that a Issuing notifications about upcoming task is due to be completed is deadlines is a common requirement in grants administration. These reminders are particularly important when it comes to the completion of progress reports once a grant has been awarded. Automating these reminders reduces the administrative burden on internal staff members. This can also be helpful in the case of multi-year grants or grants with multiple reporting requirements, which can be time consuming to follow up on manually
Example: An For example, an application gets approved by a grants administrator. A report schedule is created with due dates set at 3 month intervals between the start and the end date of the grant. Automated notifications can be scheduled to remind the individual responsible to complete the task in a timely manner.
A Workflow is a This article will show you how to set of repeatable steps used to automate and streamline your business processes within the systemup scheduled notification reminders from [[Workflows - Overview|workflows]].
=Configuration - EssentialsWorkflows=* Click the Menu Icon and under the System Processes , click the '''Workflows''' link. You can also access this by going into the Global settings -> System==Creating a New Workflow==The following steps outline how to set up a new workflow:
INSERT IMAGE # Click the '''Menu Icon''' and select '''Workflows''' link under System Process. You can also access this by going into the''' Global Settings''' > '''System''' tab > '''Workflows'''. <br /> [[File:Workflow Settings.png|thumb|none|800px|The <strong>Workflows</strong> link located under the <strong>Menu Icon</strong>]]# On the '''Workflows''' page, click on the plus button to create a new workflow. <br /> [[File:Workflows_Main_Page.png|thumb|none|800px|The plus button allows you to create a new <strong>Workflow</strong>]]# Select the '''Workflow Type'''. The type will dictate what options will be available when creating '''Tasks''' and where the actions will occur. For this workflow, we’re going to be selecting '''Tracking Activities'''. We are selecting '''Tracking Activities''' for this workflow because we are looking at Level 2 records which in this case are the reports. <br />[[File:Create a Report Reminder Workflow - Main setup page.png|thumb|none|800px|Main setup for creating a report reminder]]# Give the workflow a '''Name''', add the workflow to a '''Category''', and add a brief '''Description''' to summarize the tasks within it, including any branching conditions for ease of review later. It is also recommended to keep track of any changes made to the task by adding some notes. Categories are created by your organization. We suggest creating categories based on the UTA and record level. The following naming convention is recommended to avoid confusion: Activity Level (1/2/3) - Goal/Status/Reminders.# Set the '''Trigger on''' to determine what automated tasks are going to be triggered in this workflow. This will define when your workflow is triggered. Depending on the '''Workflow Type''', you will be selecting from a list of statuses. In our example, the activities will have been created in the 'Scheduled' status. This is what we will set the trigger to as a result.# A '''Termination Trigger''' should be set for any workflow that is scheduling tasks for the future. This will cancel any pending tasks if it is no longer required. In this example, if the applicant submits their reports ahead of the due date, the report status will change to 'Submitted', which can be set as a termination trigger on the workflow and prevent unnecessary reminders.# Click the '''Save''' button. The workflow is saved and the '''Workflow ID''' is now populated
* The Workflows page is displayedNow you will see additional options relating to this workflow. Click on You can add notes, view the plus button to create list of tasks, workflow connections, pending queue for upcoming workflow tasks, and a new history of when this workflowwas triggered.
* Select the '''Workflow type'''. The type will dictate what options will be available when creating '''tasks''' and where the actions will occur. For this workflow, we’re going to be selecting Tracking Activities. We are selecting Tracking Activities for this workflow because we are looking at level 2 records which in this case are the reports.
INSERT IMAGE '''Note''': The field names, activity types, and status names referenced in this example are specific to the SmartSimple Grants Demo System. If you are trying to replicate this workflow in your own system, check that you are using the correct field names, activity types and statuses specific to your system. You can build your workflow on your production system first and test it on your backup the next day. Make sure to set the '''Trigger On''' to '''Deactivate''' so the workflow won’t run. Once your workflow appears in your backup, you can set the '''Trigger On''' to the correct status and test your workflow without worrying about impacting your production environment.&nbsp;
* Give the workflow a '''Name=Configuration - Tasks=We recommend that you create all of your ''', add the workflow to a '''Category''' and add a brief 'tasks''Description''' to summarize before connecting the tasks within it, including any branching conditions for ease of review later. It is also recommended to keep track of any changes made to the task by adding some notes. ** Categories are created by your organization. We suggest creating categories based on the UTA and Record Level. *** EX: Reports - Reminders** Suggested naming convention: Activity Level (1/2/3) - Goal/Status/Reminders<br />*** EX: Grants Manager L1/L2&nbsp;
* Set the '''Trigger on''' to determine what automated tasks are going The following steps outline how to be triggered in this workflow. ** This will define when your workflow is triggered.** Depending on the workflow type, you will be selecting from a list of statuses. ** In our example, the activities will have been created in ‘Scheduled’ status. This is what we will set up the trigger to as a result.tasks:
* A # Click on the '''termination triggerTasks''' should be set for any workflow that’s scheduling tasks for  on the futureleft-hand menu. This A '''workflow''' will cancel any pending tasks if always have a starting point and a completion point where it is no longer requiredcan terminate. In this examplebetween, if the applicant submits their reports ahead of the due date, the report status will change to Submitted, which you can be set have as a termination trigger on the many different tasks in the workflow and prevent unnecessary reminders.'''&nbsp;'''
* Click : [[File:Creating a New task.png|thumb|none|800px|Creating a New task]]: 2.  To create a new task, click on the Save plus button. Again, you would have to give the task a '''Name''', select a '''Task type''', and add a brief '''Description''' of the task. The ''' task types''' mainly used in this workflow are either an '''Acknowledgement''' or a '''change in status'''. The options available will vary from task type to task type.&nbsp;==Task 1: '''Initial Delay'''==The first '''task''' is saved named''' Initial Delay''' since it has no function but will indicate that a '''workflow''' has started when looking through '''workflow histories''' and the Workflow ID logs. It is now populateda branching '''task''' without any additional function.
Now you’ll see some additional options relating to this workflow. You can add notes, view the list of tasks, workflow connections, pending queue for upcoming workflow tasks, and a history of when this workflow was triggered[[File:Initial Delay task.png|thumb|none|800px|Initial Delay task]]
==Task 2: '''6 Week Reminder to Staff'''==
 The next '''task''' will be used to send out the first email reminder to the '''Grant Staff''' about the upcoming report that is to be filled out
[[File:6 week reminder to Grant Staff task.png|thumb|none|800px|6 week reminder to Grant Staff task]]
'''Note''': The field names, activity types, and status names referenced in this example are specific Setting up the 6 Week Reminder to the SmartSimple Grants Demo System. If you are trying to replicate this workflow in your own system, check that you are using the correct field names, activity types and statuses specific to your system.Staff task
# We have given this a '''*Tip*Task Name  ''' → 6 Week Reminder to Staff&nbsp;# The '''Task Type''' selected here is an Acknowledgement, which will send a message to the user.# The''' Description''' is optional, but we suggest adding a brief description of what this task is performing# The''' Role''' indicates which user should receive this reminder email. In this case, it is the '''Grant Staff''' user that has been assigned to record.# You can build your workflow on your production system Create a '''Default Task Connector''' to the previous task, but it is recommended to create all the tasks first and test it on your backup then create the next dayconnectors afterwards. Make sure In this case, the connector will need to set the Trigger-on be modified after it has been created to Deactivate so account for the workflow won’t runscheduling. Once your workflow appears in your backup# Create the '''Message template''' which would include the '''Message Type''', '''Email Template''', '''From Address''', any other '''Cc Address(es)''', '''Message Format''', you '''Message Subject''', and the '''Body''' of the message. You can set the Trigger-On use variables to populate content relevant to the correct status and test your workflow without worrying about impacting your production environmenttriggering record, such as a name or grant id. 
 [[File:Message template for tasks.png|thumb|none|800px|Message template for tasks]]
==Task 3: '''4 Week Reminder to Grantee'''==
This next task will be used to send out the first email reminder to '''Grantee''' about the same upcoming report that is to be filled out.
=Configuration - Creating Tasks='''*Best Practice*''' →  Create all of your workflow tasks before connecting the tasks[[File:4 week reminder to Grantee task. png|thumb|none|800px|4 week reminder to Grantee task]]
Setting up the 4 Week Reminder to Grantee task
Navigate # We have given this a '''Task Name  '''4 Week Reminder to Grantee&nbsp;# The '''Task Type''' selected here is an Acknowledgement, which will send a message to the Tasks bar on the left-hand menuuser. A workflow will always have # The''' Description''' is optional, but we suggest adding a starting point and a completion point where it can terminatebrief description of what this task is performing# The''' Role''' indicates which user should receive this reminder email. In betweenthis case, you can have as many different tasks in  the workflowit is the '''Grantee/Owner '''of the record.# Create the ''' Message template'''.
INSERT IMAGE ==Task 4:''' 1 Week Reminder'''== This next task will be used to send out a second email reminder to the Grantee about the same upcoming report that is to be filled out.
To create a new task, click on the plus button. Again, you would have [[File:1 week reminder to give the task a '''Name''', select a '''Task type''', and add a brief '''Description''' of the Grantee task. The''' task types''' mainly used in this workflow are either an '''Acknowledgement''' or a '''change in status'''. The options available will vary from task type png|thumb|none|800px|1 week reminder to Grantee task type. ]]
INSERT IMAGE Setting up the 1 Week Reminder to Grantee task
# We have given this a '''Creating Task Name '''1 Week Reminder to Grantee&nbsp;# The '''Task Type''' selected here is an Acknowledgement, which will send a message to the tasksuser.# The''' Description''' is optional, but we suggest adding a brief description of what this task is performing# The''' Role''' indicates which user should receive this reminder email. In this case, it is the '''Grantee/Owner '''of the record.# Create the '''Message template'''.
* ==Task 5: '''Task 1: Initial DelayOn Due Date Reminder to Grantee'''<br />==** The first &nbsp;This next task is named Initial Delay since it has no function but will indicate be used to send out a third email reminder to the Grantee about the same upcoming report that a workflow has started when looking through workflow histories and logs. It is a branching task without any additional functionto be filled out.
[[File:On due date reminder to Grantee task.png|thumb|none|800px|On due date reminder to Grantee task]]
* '''Task 2: 6 Week Setting up the On Due Date Reminder to Staff'''to Grantee task
      The next task # We have given this a '''Task Name '''On Due Date Reminder to Grantee# The '''Task Type''' selected here is an Acknowledgement, which will be used to send out the first email reminder a message to the user.# The''' Description''' is optional, but we suggest adding a brief description of what this task is performing# The'''Grant Staff Role''' about the upcoming report that  indicates which user should receive this reminder email. In this case, it is to be filled outthe '''Grantee/Owner '''of the record.# Create the '''Message template'''.
INSERT IMAGE ==Task 6: '''On Due Date Reminder to Grant Staff'''==&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; This next task will be used to send out a third email reminder to the Grant Staff about the same upcoming report that is to be filled out.
[[File:On due date reminder to Grant Staff task.png|thumb|none|800px|On due date reminder to Grant Staff task]]
: '''Task Name → '''6 Week Reminder to Staff : '''Task Type''' → Acknowledgement: '''Description''' → Add a brief description of what this task is performing: '''Role''' → Add the role that should receive this reminder email. In this case, it is the '''Grant Staff''' user that has been assigned to record.: You can Create a '''Default Task Connector''' to the previous task, but it is recommended to create all the tasks first and then create the connectors afterwards. In this case, the connector will need to be modified after it has been created to account for the scheduling.Setting up the On Due Date Reminder to Grant Staff task
INSERT IMAGE # We have given this a '''Task Name '''On Due Date Reminder to Grantee# The '''Task Type''' selected here is an Acknowledgement, which will send a message to the user.# The''' Description''' is optional, but we suggest adding a brief description of what this task is performing# The''' Role''' indicates which user should receive this reminder email. In this case, it is the '''Grant Staff '''on the record.# Create the '''Message template'''.
==Task 7: Create the  '''Message templateStatus to Overdue''' which would include the '''Message Type''', '''Email Template''', '''From Address''', any other '''Cc Address(es)''', '''Message Format''', '''Message Subject''', and ==&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; This task is created to change the '''Body''' status of the messagereport to overdue. You can use variables to populate content relevant Note that if additional tasks need to be triggered by the triggering recordoverdue status, such as a name or grant idan additional workflow will need to be created and triggered.:  
* '''Task 3[[File: 4 Week Reminder Status to Grantee'''Overdue task.png|thumb|none|800px|Status to Overdue task]]
      This next task will be used to send out the first email reminder to '''Grantee''' about Setting up the same upcoming report that is Status to be filled out.Overdue task
INSERT IMAGE # We have given this a '''Task Name '''Status to Overdue# The '''Task Type''' selected here is an Change Status, which changes the status of the record.# The''' Target '''in this case would be the current object, which is the report.# The''' Entity '''is Level One# This task will '''Change Status To '''Overdue
: '''Task Name → '''4 Week Reminder : '''Task Type''' → Acknowledgement: '''Description''' → Add a description: '''Role''' → Add the role that should receive this reminder email =Configuration - Owner: Create the '''Message template''' Task Connectors=:   * '''==Creating Task 4: 1 Week Reminder'''Connectors==      This next task will be used to send out a second email reminder to the Grantee about the same upcoming report Now that is to be filled out. INSERT IMAGE  : '''Task Name → '''1 Week Reminder : '''Task Type''' → Acknowledgement: '''Description''' → Add a description: '''Role''' → Add the role that should receive this reminder email - Owner: Create the '''Message template''':   * '''Task 5: On Due Date Reminder to Grantee'''       This next task will be used to send out a third email reminder to the Grantee about the same upcoming report that is to be filled out. INSERT IMAGE  : '''Task Name → '''On Due Date Reminder to Grantee: '''Task Type''' → Acknowledgement: '''Description''' → Add a description: '''Role''' → Add the role that should receive this reminder email - Owner: Create the '''Message template'''  * '''Task 6: On Due Date Reminder to Grant Staff'''       This next task will be used to send out a third email reminder to the Grant Staff about the same upcoming report that is to be filled out. INSERT IMAGE  : '''Task Name → '''On Due Date Reminder to Staff: '''Task Type''' → Acknowledgement: '''Description''' → Add a description: '''Role''' → Add the role that should receive this reminder email - Grant Staff: Create the '''Message template''':   * '''Task 7: Status to Overdue'''       This task is you have created to change the status all of the report to overdue. Note that if additional your workflow tasks need to be triggered by the overdue status, an additional workflow you will need to connect them. This can be created done by creating Connectors. Workflows only run tasks if they have been connected together and triggeredhave applicable conditions.
: '''Task Name → '''Status to Overdue
: '''Task Type''' → Change Status
: '''Target''' → Current Object (report)
: '''Entity''' → Level One
: '''Change Status To→ '''Application Manager - Overdue
=Configuration - Creating task connectors=* Create a Starting connector to start your workflow.&nbsp;Now that you have created all ** Click the New button on the first row of your workflow tasks, you will need to connect them. This can be done by creating Connectors. Workflows only run tasks if they have been connected together and have applicable conditions.&nbsp;
[[File:Create a new task connector.png|thumb|none|800px|Create a new task connector]]
* Create a Starting connector to start your workflow. 
** Click the New button on the first row of your workflow tasks. 
** The connector connects the starting point to the Initial Delay
** Leave the '''Name''' and''' Trigger Type''' as the default for your starting connector, or name it appropriately if required.
** For the '''Connect To''' option - select the task you want the workflow to start with - in this case it will be the Initial Delay task.
INSERT IMAGE[[File:Start connector configuration.png|thumb|none|800px|Start connector configuration]]
After creating the first connector, it should look like this;
INSERT IMAGE[[File:Start task connecting to Initial delay.png|thumb|none|800px|Start task connecting to Initial delay]]
You will need to create connectors for the remaining tasks. Make sure that you connect the current task in the workflow. The default option in the connector is Complete - which will end your workflow.
* The next connector connects the initial delay to 6 Week Reminder to Staff.
** You can select a time the email is scheduled to go out, if it is to only account for business days, and whether or not holidays are included.
INSERT IMAGE [[File:6 week Delay connector configuration.png|thumb|none|800px|6 week Delay connector configuration]]
* The next connector connects 6 Week Reminder to Staff to the 4 Week Reminder to Grantee.
** There is a delay of -28 days because the email is to be sent out 4 weeks (28 days) before the report is due.
   INSERT IMAGE [[File:4 week Delay connector configuration.png|thumb|none|800px|4 week Delay connector configuration]]
* The next connector connects the 4 Week Reminder to Grantee to the 1 Week Reminder to Grantee.
** The trigger date is set to the date that the report is due in the Application Manager
** There is a delay of -7 days because the email is to be sent out 1 week (7 days) before the report is due.
* The next 2 connectors connect 1 Week Reminder to Grantee to the On Due Date reminder to the Grantee, and then the On due date reminder to the Grant Staff respectively.
** The trigger date is set to the date that the report is due.
** There isn’t a delay required since it is supposed to be sent out the day the report is due.
* The next connector connects On due date reminder to the Grant Staff to the Status to Overdue
** There is a delay of 1 day but this time, it is sent 1 day after the due date.
INSERT IMAGE [[File:Status to overdue connector configuration.png|thumb|none|800px|Status to overdue connector configuration]]
* The last connector connects Status to Overdue to the Complete.
** There is no delay and all other options are left as default.
INSERT IMAGE[[File:Status overdue to complete connector.png|thumb|none|800px|Status overdue to complete connector]]
Once you are done creating connectors your workflow should look similar to this (below)
INSERT IMAGE [[File:Overview of tasks and connectors.png|thumb|none|800px|Overview of tasks and connectors]]
==Testing the Workflow==
Now that you have built the workflow, you want to make sure that it functions correctly. You can do so by setting a test record to the Approved status and checking the workflow history on the workflow. However, this particular workflow has been scheduled to send reports as far as 6 weeks in advance, the initial delay task will be listed, and the status will display as pending while it waits for the trigger date. You would need to go to the workflow history on one of the reports to see the pending email tasks.
'''<strong> &nbsp;'''</strong>
Once the time comes for these emails to get sent out, here is how to check to see if the workflow is performing these tasks.
* Navigate to the Logs drop down near the top left of the screen Workflow page and then select the Workflow History optionhistory tab;
INSERT IMAGE[[File:Workflow History tab.png|thumb|none|800px|Workflow History]]
* You will be able to see a list of completed workflow tasks from your workflow here. Make sure the task status is completed for each of your tasks i.e. the last connector is set to connect to Complete, for the benefit of workflow logs against a record.
* You can also confirm that your email was sent to the applicant by navigating to your Message Queue in the Menu. This can also be accessed by going to the Global Settings -> &gt; Communication
** Note: Not all of the options in the menu below will be visible in your menu.
INSERT IMAGE[[File:Message Queue.png|thumb|none|800px|Message Queue]]
* You will be able to see the email sitting in the queue and you can open the body of the email by clicking the envelope icon.
 ==Options and Settings=See Also=<!--Explain all applicable misc options and settings that shouldn't be explained above here...-->===General Settings==={| class="wikitable"|-!|Option!|Description!|Example|-|||||||}  ===Display Settings==={| class="wikitable"|-!|Option!|Description!|Example|-|||||||} =Examples=<!-- {| class="wikitable"!| Option!| Description!| Example|* [[Workflows -|||Overview|}   Sample Syntax Format:Empty space at start of line to highlight the row, italicize any variables that the user would fill in (as opposed to literal words that need to be used in syntax)  @section.''SectionNodeName''@   Sample Code Block:When you want to write an example block of code, you should highlight it and also escape any special characters that might be construed as HTML formatting and outputted incorrectly by the Wiki by using a pre (pre-formatted text) tag <pre><?xml version="1.0"?><Company> <Name>Oranges Inc.</Name> <Description>Peel. Eat. Repeat.</Description></Company><Company> <Name>Bananas Ltd.</Name> <Description>You're going to go "bananas" over our product!</Description></Company></pre>   Unordered list:When listing information with bullet points in no order * Point 1* Point 2* Point 3   Ordered list:When listing information with numbers to denote ordered steps # Step 1# Step 2# Step 3Workflows Overview]]
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