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Updating Funding Data in ORCID

501 bytes added, 14:50, 11 July 2023
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ORCID is an independent non-profit organization that provides a persistent identifier – an ORCID iD – that distinguishes individual researchers and a mechanism for linking research outputs and activities to the user’s specific ORCID iD. ORCID is integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services. Learn more at []
SmartSimple's Platform3 SmartSimpleCloud supports functionality that can authenticate ORCID iDs and update ORCID records using the ORCID API. SmartSimpleCloud is using the 3.0 version of the API for the ORCID integration. By collecting a user’s authenticated ORCID iD, this allows import of a user’s ORCID profile record to their Platform3 profile. The ORCID integration can also be configured to add and update funding records on the user's ORCID profilerecord. This functionality will be of particular interest and advantage to researchers and research-based foundations using Platform3SmartSimpleCloud.
ORCID offers a [ Public API] that allows organizations to connect their systems to the ORCID registry. The Public API can be used to collect authenticated ORCID iDs. ORCID Membership allows access to the [ Member API], which facilitates registration, and information exchange with ORCID records. ORCID membership is open to any organization interested in integrating ORCID identifiers. The Member API allows your systems and applications to connect to the ORCID registry, including reading from and writing to individual ORCID records with the user’s permission. Learn more at [ ORCID Membership].
This article will show you how to setup importing a user’s ORCID profile record as well as add and update Funding records using the ORCID API. You will need '''Global Administrator''' access to setup the ORCID integration.
==Use cases==
* Once logged into the system, users sign into their ORCID accounts using their registered email address and password or they can create a new account and then authorize your system to obtain their ORCID iD. Storing authenticated ORCID iDs in your system ensures you get the correct ORCID iD for the user and that the information on that record reflects their research activities.
* Once the user has granted permission, information that the user has set as visible to trusted parties in addition to the information set as visible to everyone is imported to their profile. The display of the ORCID records on the user’s profile is permissioned by role to allow staff or reviewers an overview of the user’s research activities.
* The user’s process is streamlined by retrieving data from their ORCID records on their profile to populate application or progress report forms. In Platform3SmartSimpleCloud, data from ORCID is stored in JSON format to allow specific formatting and allow your team to use the data in different ways within the system.
* By enabling the functionality for staff to add and update data in ORCID funding records, it can help make life easier for your users by connecting validated information to their ORCID records. Since this action is triggered by a workflow, it can be configured for specific roles to trigger at a particular status. Mapping of the data fields sent to ORCID is determined by your system administrator.
* The display of the user’s ORCID data on their profile is complementary to any configuration capturing researcher profile data and outputs currently configured in your system. In Platform3SmartSimpleCloud, the data from ORCID is stored in JSON format to allow your system administrator to create specific views of information from different sources for your team or processes specific to your organization.
==Configuration – Essentials==
===Obtain Keys to Use the ORCID API===
To use the ORCID Integration, a ORCID Basic Member API (Production Member API) is required. Each instance URL will need its own API. During signup, you will need to provide the Homepage URL and also a Redirect URL . Please refer to the [ ORCID API application] for more information.
Below is a screenshot of the ORCID Basic Member API application on ORCID:
[[File:ORCIDAPIapplication.png|thumb|none|800px|ORCID Basic Member API application]]
===ORCID URL Configuration===
'''Example of "URL of the home page of your application"'''<br />
https://''''<br />
- This is the URL you use to access your instance of SmartSimple.
'''Example of "Redirect URI"'''<br />
https://''''/links/orcid/callback.jsp<br />
- This is a link to the callback server page for your instance of SmartSimple. Note that the URL will be different as it must match that used to access your own copy of SmartSimple.
===Integration Key Management===
# Click on New Integration Key.
# Key Type: set to ORCID
# Copy the Homepage and Redirect URLs for ORCID Basic Member API application.
# Fill in '''Client ID''' and '''Client Secret''' from your ORCID API application
# Choose user custom fields to store the ORCID iD and JSON data
===Enable ORCID Tab on User Profile===
SmartSimple Platform3 SmartSimpleCloud supports importing a user’s ORCID profile import records to their profile. The ORCID iD is stored to a user profile field and the data imported from ORCID is stored in JSON format.
Under '''Global Settings''' > '''User Roles''' > '''User Standard Fields''' > '''ORCID''', update the configuration to permission specific roles and statuses. It is advisable to include instructions and messaging on the Profile Main tab. Sample templates for messaging within these sections are available.
===Configure Roles Using ORCID===
Under '''Global Setting''' > '''User Roles''', select a role and check toggle on the option '''Enable ORCID Import'''. Users with the selected role will have the option for ORCID import in their profile.
[[File:114889-2021-3-ORCIDRoleSetting.png|thumb|none|800px|Enable ORCID Import on Role Setting]]
==Configuration – Advanced==
===Add and Update ORCID Funding by Configuring Fields on L1===
SmartSimple Platform3 SmartSimpleCloud currently supports adding and updating Funding funding data on the users’ user's ORCID record using the ORCID Member API. In order to update researcher records, the user must have an authenticated ORCID iD and provided permission for the specific system to make updates.
Below is a screenshot from ORCID when a user clicks the 'Add Funding ' page, where the user is required to complete several fields.
[[File:114889-2021-4-ORCIDFundingRecord.png|thumb|none|800px|Add Funding page on ORCID]]
ORCID crosschecks information imported from SmartSimple Platform3SmartSimpleCloud. Certain fields must be configured using ORCID values.
An overview of the fields from the Funding funding record is below, with key values and required fields indicated. Please refer to the [ ORCID support pages] for the most up -to -date values used for the metadata.
{| class="wikitable"
!|Recommended Configuration
||'''Funding typeType'''
||The type of funding awarded. This field is selected from a list containing the following values: Award, Contract, Grant, Salary-award
||Required field, Select One - Combo Box
If this is mapped to a text field, the entered value has to be one of the option values in the list.
||'''Funding subtypeSubtype'''
||This is stored as organization-defined-type in the ORCID funding record
||Text Box
||'''Title of funded projectFunded Project'''
||The title of the funding item
||Required field, Text Box
||Text Box
||'''Language of this titleTitle'''
||The language of the translated title is recorded as an attribute
||Select One - Combo Box
||Required field, Select One - Combo Box
This should be mapped to a custom field with ORCID values.
Although this list looks very much the same as SmartSimple Platform3 the SmartSimpleCloud currency list but , we would advise that the values provided by ORCID are used.
If this is mapped to a text field, the entered value has to be one of the option values in the list.
If the link entered in record is not found in the CrossRef list, ORCID rejects the record.
||'''Funding agency display nameAgency Display Name'''
||The funding agency name should correspond to the organization that is specified in the Funding Agency Identifier Link.
||Required field, Text box
A different name can be entered but ORCID uses the identifier link to identify the funding organization.
||'''Funding agency display cityAgency Display City'''
||The funding agency's city should correspond to the organization that is specified in the '''Funding Agency Identifier Link'''.
||Required field, Text box
||'''Funding agency display regionAgency Display Region'''
||The funding agency's region should correspond to the organization that is specified in the '''Funding Agency Identifier Link'''.
||Text box
||'''Funding agency display countryAgency Display Country'''
||ORCID checks the country code against the agency specified in Funding Agency Identifier Link, if they don't match, ORCID rejects the record.
||Required field, Select One - Combo Box
||The identifier associated with the work
||Required field, Text box
This field data will be used as the external identifier if identifier type is selected, if no data is specified for this field, the system will push data to ORCID using the Funding agency as the identifier. Although ORCID allows this, in the SmartSimple Platform3 SmartSimpleCloud settings, the ID should always be available for the funding record.
||'''Record Identifier URL'''
Example: If the funding item is for one phase of a multi-part grant, and the identifier is for the multi-part grant, then the relationship would be part-of if the identifier is for the individual phase, then the relationship would be self.
||'''Contributor roleRole'''
||Describes the relationship of the individuals who received the funding
||Required field, Select One - Combo Box (L1 association common field)
This should be mapped to a custom field with ORCID values.
Example: For each person involved in the funding, these users are added to the L1-Contacts and each identified as lead, co-lead, supported-by, etc.
If multiple contacts are added to a funding record, for each of these contacts with an ORCID enabled role, and have authorized SmartSimple to access their ORCID profilerecord, a funding record will be pushed to each of their ORCID profilerecord. These users might represent different types of contributor roles in the funding.
||'''Contributor Fund Code'''
Each of these fields are mapped in the specific UTA. Go to '''UTA Settings''' – '''Connectivity''' – '''Service Settings''' - '''ORCID Funding Field Mapping'''
The fields required in the ORCID Funding record are displayed in the left column and the SmartSimple Platform3 SmartSimpleCloud L1 fields are displayed in the right column. Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk. SmartSimple Platform3 SmartSimpleCloud fields are selected using a drop-down.
[[File:114889-2021-5-ORCIDMapping.png|thumb|none|800px|ORCID Mapping]]
===Workflow to use Task Type: Push Fund records to users’ ORCID ProfileRecord===In a L1 workflow, create a new task type: '''Push Fund Data to Users ORCID ProfileRecord'''. If desired, this task can be incorporated into an existing workflow.
We currently support Adding a new funding record to the user’s ORCID profilerecord. The update fund data will only run for '''L1 - Contacts''' which have a valid fund code in the '''Contributor Fund Code''' (L1 contact association field) field where this fund code is unique to the ORCID user’s profile.
[[File:114889-2021-6-ORCIDTaskType.png|thumb|none|800px|Task Type: Push Fund Data to Users ORCID Profile]]
==Using the ORCID Integration==
===Import ORCID records record to User Profile===1. When the user logs into their portal, if they have not previously imported their ORCID profilerecord, a message appears instructing them to navigate to the correct section.
[[File:114889-2021-7-ORCIDUserProfile.png|thumb|none|800px|Prompt for user to import their ORCID profile]]
[[File:114889-2021-12-ORCIDUserProfileImportSuccess.png|thumb|none|800px|User's ORCID Profile successfully imported]]
7. The user profile displays an overview of their ORCID profilerecord. A count of different Funding Types and Works is provided at the top of the page. Details of the Funding and Works are listed.
[[File:114889-2021-13-ORCIDUserProfileChart.png|thumb|none|800px|Chart on user's profile]]
[[File:114889-2021-14-ORCIDUserProfileChartMessage.png|thumb|none|800px|Message if funding data is incomplete]]
9. An ORCID iD icon is displayed to the top of the page next to the profile name on the '''ORCID tab''' of the profile. This has a hyperlink to the public ORCID profile record of the user’s account. The user’s iD and last imported date is displayed.
[[File:114889-2021-15-ORCIDUserProfileChartLink.png|thumb|none|800px|Link to user's public ORCID profile]]
10. A button captioned '''Re-Import ORCID Data''' is available for the user to trigger a re-Import of their ORCID profilerecord. Any data that has been updated or added to ORCID will be imported and the profile page automatically refreshed. The Last Imported date will be updated.11. A button captioned '''Unlink Account''' is available for the user to unlink their account. A message appears for the user to confirm. When confirmed, the ORCID profile record information is immediately removed from the '''ORCID tab''' of their profile.
[[File:114889-2021-16-ORCIDUserProfileUnlink.png|thumb|none|800px|Prompt to unlink the user's ORCID iD]]
===Viewing Other Users’ ORCID profilesrecords===1. For roles able to view the user’s profile, such as internal staff, if the user has not previously imported their ORCID profilerecord, a message appears indicating that they have not connected to ORCID. Note that the user themselves has to login to the system in order to authenticate their iD to import their profile.
[[File:114889-2021-17-ORCIDUserProfileView.png|thumb|none|800px|Staff view of user's profile before authorization with ORCID]]
2. For roles able to view the user’s profile, such as internal staff, once the user has connected to ORCID and imported their profile, the ORCID profile record can be viewed.
[[File:114889-2021-18-ORCIDUserProfileViewImported.png|thumb|none|800px|Staff view of user's profile with ORCID data imported]]
[[File:114889-2021-20-ORCIDL1Contacts.png|thumb|none|800px|Select role of each contact in funding]]
3. Trigger the workflow to send the information to ORCID. The new funding record will populate the user’s ORCID profilerecord.
[[File:114889-2021-21-ORCIDAddedFunding.png|thumb|none|800px|ORCID profile of the user with new Funding record]]

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