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Login Page

84 bytes removed, 19:08, 27 August 2020
Template Tab
==Template Tab==
 The following settings are available on the '''Template''' tab but they are typically not modified:
{| class="wikitable"
||'''Sample Template'''
||Clicking this link inserts the HTML, CSS and other code which is used to render the login page. Typically you would only add the sample use a custom template in two scenarios. First if you have an older custom login page and wanted to add some functionality that is not typically used or you want wanted to update your login page to use radically customize the new look and features, or you want to create your own customized structure of the login page with a different look and feel.
||'''Login Page Template'''
||You can enter your custom code into this text area or modify the existing content added by clicking the sample template link. Although you can enter your own code here we generally don’t recommend it. If you do add your own code here make sure your code meets accessibility guidelines and make sure it is responsive (works on all devices including mobile).
==Alternate Login Pages==
Settings from Alternate login pages
Smartstaff, administrator

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