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Single Sign-On

1,005 bytes added, 18:09, 5 December 2019
Additional Settings
*: '''Assertion Target URL''' - target site url
*: '''Assertion Private Key''' - private key to establish connection with the target site
====Optional attibutes====
The following optional attributes can be used in the assertion. Please note that they are case sensitive and should be labelled exactly.
* SSOModule - used to specify the SmartSimple SSO connection when there are multiple connections configured.
* UID - can be used instead of NameID as the user identifier.
* Email
* First name
* Last name
* Department - used to update the user's organization. This will attempt to match an organization by name and will move the user to that organization if found.
* Roles - used to update the user's roles in SmartSimple. This should be a comma delimited list of SmartSimple user roles (by name) to be assigned to the user.
* Language - used to specify the initial language displayed to the user. This should be an integer value that corresponds with a language ID value in SmartSimple (e.g. 1=English).
* RedirectURL - used to specify an initial landing page in SmartSimple. This should be a relative patch (e.g. /iface/ex/ax_index.jsp).
===Identity Provider Configuration - Client-Side System===

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