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Login Page

130 bytes added, 15:13, 25 June 2019
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===Routing Page===
Learn about the You can also learn about the [[Signup Page#Creating a routing page|Routing Page]] here.  :: [[File:Routing page.png|800px|border]]  The configuration options for your routing page include the following:
:: [[File:Login page template.png|450px|border]]
For improved security, CAPTCHA validation can be added to your login page. All that's required in order to configure this is to place the @captcha@ variable within your login screen template where you wish it to appear. After two failed login attempts, users will be presented with a CAPTCHA they must complete before they are able to attempt a third login.
For improved security, CAPTCHA validation can be added to your login page. All that's required in order to configure this is to place the @captcha@ variable within your login screen template where you wish it to appear. After two failed login attempts, users will be presented with a CAPTCHA they must complete before they are able to attempt a third login.
* '''Note''': CAPTCHA validation can also be made language-specific if it is included in the template for a specific language login page.

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