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This article is about accessibility as it relates to using SmartSimple system which is a web based process automation platform. We believe that all people with a diverse range of sight, hearing, movement, and cognitive ability should be able to use the platform, and we strive to ensure anyone can access your system in a way that respects their dignity and independence.This article contains information related to ensuring your system is accessible.
If you have questions or encounter anything that seems like an accessibility issue, please contact our support team.
=Accessibility - Essentials=
==Disabilities defined==
A disability in web accessibility terms is a condition or barrier that limits a person from interacting with or accessing information or functionality of a web application.
It is estimated that approximately 1 in 5 people have a disability. Disabilities are generally classified into 4 areas.
[[File:a11y-disability.png|thumb|none|500px|The 4 disability classifications]]
This classification includes the deaf and those with a range of hearing loss. Many people develop hearing loss due to ageing and other factors.
[[File:a11y-tech.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Assistive devices: eye tracking, a switch, sip and puff device, refreshable braille keyboard]]
Common screen readers include:
* JAWS (Job Access with Speech)
* NVDA screen reader * Apple’s OS X VoiceOver
* Google’s Chromevox
* Android Talkback
==Guidelines and Legislation==
Guidelines and legislation are constantly evolving and vary depending on your locality. Below are some prominent guidelines and legislation visit for a more information.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG for short. Is a set of international standards, published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
# Is it Perceivable: Can I perceive the Interface and information presented?
# Is it Operable: Can I navigate and operate the application?
# Is it Understandable: Can I understand the information presented and how to use the system?
# Is it Robust: Can I use a variety of assistive technologies with the system?
Visit to learn more.
===EU Web Accessibility Directive===
European Union (EU) Directive on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications
Generally states Public sector organisations across the EU must adhere to WCAG.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Visit and to learn more.
==Testing for accessibility==
The SmartSimple platform is tested for accessibility by a 3rd party (a completely blind computer user) and we also test the system internally. Primary testing is done with the JAWS screen reader.
You can download our Voluntary Product Accessibility Template
Here are 3 popular browser extensions:
Wave toolbar: annotates possible problems inline.
[[File:a11y-wave.png|thumb|none|500px|Screenshot of wave toolbar]]
Tenon: display code snippets, guidelines and recommended fix.
[[File:a11y-tenon.png|thumb|none|500px|Screenshot of tenon]]
* Create your own user group of testers. A group of five people testing often will yield good results.
* Look into getting a 3rd party audit.
=Accessibility - Advanced= If you are a SmartSimple System administrator you have a role to play in ensuring the configuration of your system is accessible.
Here is a list of important information to note when you setup or modify any SmartSimple system.
===All links and buttons must be descriptive===
If you are adding a link or a button inside your system never say “click here”!
A user with a screen reader tabs from link to link and they will have no idea what will happen when the link is read out of context.
Links must be descriptive (describe destination, state the purpose or what will happen).
Examples of good links and button text are: “view demo”, “start application”, “enter budget”, “visit Wikipedia”
Example: <a href="[#" >Visit our website</a>]
===Form tables properly===
Mark table headers with TH and table data with TD. Consider adding scope (col, colgroup, row, rowgroup) to headers and a caption. Ensure your content is machine readable by assistive technologies by utilizing the proper semantic structures. Also make sure you nest your tags properly, example if you open a TR close a TR, if you open a SPAN inside a TD make sure you close the SPAN before you close the TD. Example:
<pre>{|<table><caption>|+Birthdays</caption><tr>|-<th ! scope="col">|Name</th><th ! scope="col">|Birthday</th></tr>|-<tr><th ! scope="row">|Jackie</th><td>||April 5</td></tr>|-<tr><th ! scope="row">|Beth</th><td>||January 14</td></tr></table></pre>|}
Go to to learn more.
 <pre><html lang="en"> </pre>
 <pre><html lang="es"> </pre>
Go to to learn more.
===Include text alternatives for media===
If you are uploading any media to your system, such as an instructions video, you must include closed captioning or a text alternative such as a transcript. You can do this with the multi file upload custom field and the media library settings. If you are uploading static content to a SmartFolder, make sure you include alt tags for your media such as images. Alt text must describe the purpose or intent of the media.
===Write for web applications===
When writing text instructions or captions or any other text-based content that will appear in your system, keep the following in mind:
* Use the clearest language possible and avoid jargon
* Chunk content into small parts
Whenever possible use a single column layout for usability and to ensure there is no confusion over reading order. This is also helpful for people using screen magnifiers.
[[File:a11y-columns.png|thumb|none|500px|Single column layout preferred]]
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA).
Is used to ensure robots don’t spam websites with requests. But be judicious when adding CAPTCHA to your system. Although SmartSimple uses the latest reCAPTCHA which is consider accessible, it can be frustrating to all users.
[[File:a11y-recapthca.png|thumb|none|500px|Screenshot of reCAPTCHA]]
===Playing media===
If you are using the media library functionality with the multiple file upload field, or if you have injected video into other areas of the system, you will notice videos and music do not auto play. Screen-readers navigate by listening, so any sound playing when the page loads would interfere immensely. An exception to this is, if the user specifically requested the video.
If you upload your own content or static content into your system ensure it does not auto play. Also, note that content should not flash more than three times in a second as it may induce seizures due to photosensitivity.
===Page titles===
Smartstaff, administrator

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