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Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

100 bytes removed, 18:09, 19 December 2018
Configuration - Advanced
=Configuration - Advanced=
==Creating formulas (calculations) in XML cells==
[[File:xml-formula.png|500px|border|Adding a formula]]
In the section builder you declare the formatting such as currency or numeric for specific columns as well as settings like choose the precision. If you are collecting You can also do calculations on numeric or and currency data you will likely want to do calculations on this information found within your XML (e.g. to sum the contents of column one, over two rows, enter '''=[1,1]+[2,1]''').
==Adding a formula to a XML cell (working with data in the same section)==
# Navigate to your XML custom field.
# Click the '''Section Builder''' button in the action bar.
# Click the desired '''Section'''to edit it.
# Click the desired '''Cell'''.
# Under '''Cell Properties''' enter your Enter the desired formula into the '''Content''' input.
# Click '''Build'''.
Smartstaff, administrator

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