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Template Page

180 bytes removed, 17:11, 24 May 2018
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''Template Pages'', sometimes referred to as ''external pages'', are a feature in SmartSimple that:
* allow users to enter records in a SmartSimple [[UTA]] without having to log into SmartSimple;
* allow [[system administrator]]s to configure customized formatting for UTA records;
* can be configured to include a confirmation page upon submission of the record.
''Template Pages'' are associated with a particular [[Level 1 Template]], [[Types|Level 2 or 3 Type]] or [[Transaction]].
==Accessing the Template Page==
To access the Template Page for a [[Level 1 Types|Level 1 Type]] or [[Types|Level 2 or 3 Type]]:
To access the Template Page for a [[Level 1 Types|Level 1 Type]] or [[Types|Level 2 or 3 Type]]:
# Go to the [[UTA Settings Page]].
# Click on the "Types" hyperlink.
# On the left-hand list of Types, click on the hyperlink for the Type for which you want to configure a ''Template Page''.
# At the top of the Edit Type page, click on the "Template Page" button.
:You will now be brought to the Template Page configuration screen.
: [[Image:L1-GettingtoTemplatePage.png|link=|500px]]
: You will now be brought to the Template Page configuration screen.
To access the Template Page for a [[Transaction]]:
# Go to the [[Global Settings]] page.
# Under the [[Company & Account Settings|Company & Account Settings]] header, click on the hyperlink for "Transaction Types".# Choose from "People" or "Company" Transaction Types from the drop-down field at the top of the page. [[Image:TransactionTypeChooser.png|thumb|right|300px|Choose from ''<em>People'' </em> or ''<em>Company'' </em> Transaction Types]]
# On the left-hand list of Transaction Types, click on the hyperlink for the Transaction Type for which you want to configure a ''Template Page''.
# At the top of the Edit Transaction Type page, click on the "Template Page" button.
:You will now be brought to the Template Page configuration screen.
: [[Image:Transactions-GettingtoTemplatePage.png|link=|500px]]
: You will now be brought to the Template Page configuration screen.
==The Template Page Configuration Screen==
===General Settings===
* '''Activate Page''' - This Template Page will only be accessible if the "Activate Page" option is checked.
* '''Internet Enabled''' - Making a Template Page "Internet Enabled" will allow users who are not logged into the system to access this page.<br /><span class="single_linebreak" style="background-color: lightgray;">- Note: there is a Global Setting on the Security Tab called "Disable Template Page Security" that must be enabled for this to work.¶</span> {{SecurityToken}}* '''Execute Submit Logic from Template Page''' - enables submit logic check when submitting from the template page. Only available against level 1 template pages.
* '''Execute Status Triggers and Internal Status Workflows from Template Page''' - See [[Status Trigger]] and [[Workflow]] pages for more information.
* '''Inherit Account - Only applies to an external user''' - The current user's company will be added to the ''Account'' [[standard field]]. * '''Branch''' - defines the default [[branch]] of the newly-created record. * '''Account''' - defines the default [[Organization|account]] of the newly-created record. * '''Type''' - defines the default [[Template]] or [[Type]] of the newly-created record. * '''Status''' - defines the default [[status]] of the newly-created record.
* '''Assign User Role''' - adds the current user to the newly-created record as an associated contact with the supplied [[role]].
* '''Assign Company Role''' - adds the current user's company to the newly-created record as an associated organization with the supplied [[Company Role]].
====Level 1====
:* For Level 1 you will be presented with a URL in the following format, which is to create a new Level 1 record:
: '''<nowiki></nowiki>''' :To go to a specific Level 1 record use the following syntax:
: '''<nowiki></nowiki>'''
====Level 2====
:* For Level 2 you will be presented with a URL in the following format, which is to create a new Level 2 record under the specified Level 1:
: '''<nowiki></nowiki>''':where ''LevelOneIds'' is the Opportunity ID of the Level 1 you will be creating a new Level 2 under.:example::<pre></pre> :To go to a specific Level 2 record use the following syntax:
: '''<nowiki></nowiki>'''
:example::<pre></pre> :To go to a specific Level 2 record while using [[ssEncrypt]] to hide the record IDs, use the following syntax:: '''<nowiki><ssEncrypt2>LevelOneIds</ssEncrypt2>&codeid=<ssEncrypt2>eventid</ssEncrypt2></nowiki>''':example::<pre></pre>
: Example:to create a new '''person''' transaction (in a popup window) for the current user:
<pre style="white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"><input class="Button" type="button" value="Open" /></pre>
:Example:to To create a new '''personcompany''' transaction (in a popup window) for the current userorganization:<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"><input typeclass="button" class=Button value="Open" onClick="'/ex/ex_Transactionpage.jsp?token=Fg8IUh8YZFQA%3D%3D&objecttype=40&parentids=@me.userid@&transid=0')"></pre> :To create a new '''company''' transaction (in a popup window) for the current organization: <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"><input type="button" class=Button value="Open" onClick="'/ex/ex_Transactionpage.jsp?token=Fg8IUh8YZFQA%3D%3D&objecttype=30&parentids=@companyid@&transid=0')"></pre>
===HTML Template===
* This section may be renamed to match the terminology of your copy of SmartSimple. In the illustration above, ''HTML Template'' has been renamed to ''Grant Template'' because Level 1s have been renamed as "Grants" in this example.
* Clicking on the "Sample Template" hyperlink will insert a default HTML template into this setting, overwriting the current contents.

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