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Email & Email Broadcast Security

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=Accessing Overview=The Email & and Email Broadcast Settings menu=function allows you to determine how your emails will be system-generated, who is able to access email functionality, set failed email alerts, and more. 
The '''Email =Enabling Email & Email Broadcast Settings''' menu====From Global Settings===1. Click the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page can be reached in two ways:.
1:: {{Icon-Menu}} 2. From Under the heading '''Configuration, '''select [[Global Settings]] page in the [[Login & Security |'''Global Settings''']] sections.
[[Image:Email_Broadcast_Global_Settings3.png]]Click on the tab labelled '''Security.'''
24. From Under the first subheading, '''SettingsBusiness Security, ''' tab at click the top of the page within the [[hyperlink '''Email Broadcast]] applicationSecurity Settings.'''
:: [[ImageFile:EnableBroadcastSettingsEmail security.png|800px|border]]====Enabling Email & Email Broadcast as Menu Item for Roles====In order to enable the '''Email Broadcast '''feature as a menu item for certain roles or for all roles, follow these steps: 
1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.
=Email & Email Broadcast Settings menu=:: {{Icon-Menu}} 2. Under the heading '''Configuration, '''select '''Roles and Security. '''
[[Image:EmailBrodcastSettingsMenu3.png]]Select the hyperlink '''User Roles.'''
The Email & 4. To make this feature available to all roles, click on the '''pencil icon '''next to the '''Common '''role. Otherwise, click this same icon next to the specific role(s) that you would like to enable '''Email Broadcast Settings ''' as a menu has the following 4 options available:item for. 
# Enable Role Restrictions - Define roles that are able to send to other roles and restrict the type filtering used when searching for recipients5. Used in conjuction with User Roles settings.# Disable From Address - Managers are only able to set Click on the '''Menu '''tab on the From address field to a value other than their own email address.# Recipients Under Association Company left- Controls whether the user list returned from the email broadcast is restricted to those users from companies that the current user is associated. # Enable On Behalf Of - Send emails from instance specific email address (i.e. alias@domain) on behalf hand side menu of the From Address specifiedrole page.
6. Check the box next to the '''Email '''and '''Email Broadcast '''features in the list. 
=Enable Role Restrictions=:: [[File:Enabling email broadcast.png|500px|border]]7. Click '''Save.'''
[[Image:EnableRoleRestrictions===From the Email Broadcast Feature===Once the '''Email Broadcast '''and '''Email '''features have been enabled as menu items, you will be able to access them on your menu and open '''Email & Email Broadcast Settings.png]]'''
If 1. Click the Enable Role Restrictions check9-box is populated then a new '''Email & Email Broadcast Settings''' section will appear in square menu icon on the Edit Role screen top right of your page.
[[Image:EmailRoleSettings: {{icon-Menu}} 2. Under the heading, '''Communications, '''click '''Email Broadcast.png]]'''
Enabling :: [[RoleFile:Email broadcast.png|role]] restrictions limits who the [[User300px|usersborder]] in that [[Role|role]] can send email to3. The email address field Once the Email Broadcast list is open, click on new emails becomes the '''read-onlycog icon '''. The [[User|user]] must select [[User|users]] from at the top that will open up the [[Role|roles]] for which they have email permissionsEmail Broadcast settings. 
If a :: [[UserFile:Email broadcast settings.png|750px|userborder]] clicks on an email address of a =Email & Email Broadcast Settings=:: [[UserFile:Email settings security.png|800px|userborder]] The Email Settings menu has the following options available under the heading '''Security.'''{| class="wikitable"|-||'''Enable Role Restrictions'''||Define roles that they are not permissioned able to send to other roles and restrict the type filtering used when searching for recipients. Used in conjunction with User Roles settings. See [[Email & Email Broadcast Security#Enable Role Restrictions|Email Role Restrictions]].|-||'''Disable From Address'''||The email broadcast '''From '''field will be '''Read-Only. '''Managers are only able to, then they will receive set the permission message that they don't have permission From address field to contact that individuala value other than their own email address.
On the [[Role|role]] settings the [[System Administrator]] can also select which filters will appear for the [[Role-||role]]. ie: '''User FilterRecipients Under Association Company''', ||Allow [[Association Settings|associations]] to act as recipients.|-||'''RolesEnable on Behalf Of''', '''Accounts''', etc||Send emails on behalf of the From Address specified; emails will be sent from an instance-specific email address. This is to prevent emails from being blocked. 
See also - [[UTA]] - (Use Email Role Restriction) on the [[UTA]] [[Application|application]] For the '''DKIM Domain ''settings'field, this function enables DKIM signatures for emails in order to improve their authenticity. The domain entered needs to match the domain of your SmartSimple server. It is currently limited to the following:,,, The selector name for any of these will be 'dkim.' page  
||'''Enable Reply-To'''
Send emails with Reply-To set to the From Address specified. 
=Disable Toggling on this option will allow you to select from a list of set From Address=Addresses, including the following:
[[Image:DisableFromAddress* mailer@smartsimple.png]]com**
Checking the Disable From Address option means the email broadcast |-||'''Enable Default FromAddress''' field ||This email address will be made '''read only'''set as the default From email address when composing an email.
Managers Toggling on this option will then be the only users able allow you to set fill in which email is the default From address field to a value other than their own email address
==Enabling Role Restrictions==
:: [[File:Email settings roles.png|400px|border]]
If the '''Enable Role Restriction''' feature listed at the top of the page has been toggled on, then it will work in conjunction with the restrictions that you specify in this section. Simply click into each text box in order to reveal a drop-down of [[User role|roles]] available in your SmartSimple system, from which you can select the roles to have certain permissions or restricted access. 
:* '''Email Broadcast Manager Roles: '''[[User role|Roles]] selected to act as Manager. 
:* '''Restrict Email Access: '''Enabling role restrictions will limit who the users in that role can send an email to. The email address field on new emails become '''Read-Only. '''If a user clicks on an email address of a user that they are not permissioned to send an email to, then they will receive a pop-up message that they do not have permission to contact that indvidual. 
:* '''Restrict Instant Message Access: '''Select which roles you do not want to have Instant Message functionality in their use of the system. 
=Enable On Behalf Of=
See also - [[Image:EnableOnBehalf.pngUTA]] Checking the Enable On Behalf Of option means that any emails sent from the system will be sent from a instance specific email address - (i.e. alias@domainUse Email Role Restriction) on behalf of the From Address specified. This is intended to help prevent emails being blocked. [[UTA]] [[Application|application]] '''settings''' page
=Enable Failed Email Alert=
 :: [[File:CaptureEmail fail template.png|800px|border]]{| class="wikitable"|-||'''Frequency'''||This will check for failed emails from the [[Message Queue]], and will in turn send an automatically generated email notifying the senders based on this failed email template.|-||'''From Address'''||Must contain a From Address Email. A common issue with failed emails is caused from this.|-||'''To Address'''||If certain staff or the system administrator needs to be notified of failed emails, the recipient[s] of the failed email message should be listed here.PNG |-||'''Subject'''|750px|httpWrite the subject of the email here - '''ex://wiki ''Failed to Send Email.smartsimple '''''The maximum length of a subject line is 255|-||'''Body'''||Body of the email to recipients.PNG]]|}Click '''Save '''once you are done filling everything out. 
==See Also==
* [[Email]]
* [[Email restriction|Email Restriction]]
* [[Message Queue]]
[[Category:Email]][[Category:Email Broadcast]][[Category:Security]][[Category:Global Settings]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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